Chapter1_9_18_2022 ROS Robotics by Example 2nd Alias foxy or noetic harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ noetic (********** Make sure that ROS distribution is Sourced!!!) ROS_DISTRO was set to 'foxy' before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions. harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt install rospack-tools (If not there!) [sudo] password for harman: Reading package lists... Done ........ harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rospack help | less Pg11 (q to quit) USAGE: rospack [options] [package] Allowed commands: help cflags-only-I [--deps-only] [package] cflags-only-other [--deps-only] [package] ''''''''' find [package] '''''''''' harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ roscd turtlesim (Go To Package - Pg 11) harman@harman-VirtualBox:/opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim$ harman@harman-VirtualBox:/opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim$ cd ~ (Go Home) harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rosls turtlesim (Note - from Anywhere! Pg 11) cmake images msg package.xml srv harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rosls turtlesim/images (Pg 12) box-turtle.png groovy.png indigo.svg lunar.png palette.png diamondback.png hydro.png jade.png lunar.svg robot-turtle.png electric.png hydro.svg kinetic.png melodic.png sea-turtle.png harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ roscd turtlesim/ (Pg12) harman@harman-VirtualBox:/opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim$ cat package.xml turtlesim 0.10.2 turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages. ( A list of urls to find wiki, bugtracker, github) ( A list of build depends such as roscpp, std_msg, ...) (A list of run_depend geometry_msgs, roscpp, rostime, std_msgs, ...) harman@harman-VirtualBox:/opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim$ cd ~ (Home) harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rospack find turtlesim /opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rospack list (A long list of packages WITH directories) ............ turtlesim /opt/ros/noetic/share/turtlesim ........... harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rospack list-names Pg 13 actionlib actionlib_msgs actionlib_tutorials ... rospy_tutorials, roswtf, turtlesim urdf, ........... harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rospack list-names | grep turtleharman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rospack list turtle_actionlib turtle_tf turtle_tf2 turtlesim ------------------ Page 16-17 Alias foxy or noetic (Terminal 1) harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ noetic ROS_DISTRO was set to 'foxy' before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions. harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ roscore (Leave Terminal Open - Minimized) PARAMETERS * /rosdistro: noetic * /rosversion: 1.15.14 auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [4145] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://harman-VirtualBox:11311/ NEW Terminal (Terminal 2) lias foxy or noetic harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ noetic harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rosnode list /rosout (Reveives Debug messages for example) (rosout is the name of the console log reporting mechanism in ROS.) harman@harman-VirtualBox:~$ rostopic list /rosout /rosout_agg (Just subscribes to the /rosout node - not all the nodes.) rosout subscribes to the standard /rosout topic, records these messages in a textual log file, and rebroadcasts the messages on /rosout_agg. ............... TURTLESIM PG 19 ......... LET'S MOVE Due to their heavy shells, turtles are slow-moving on land. A desert tortoise moves at only 0.22–0.48 km/h (0.14–0.30 mph). By contrast, sea turtles can swim at 30 km/h (19 mph) WOW!