04/11/21 02:25:21 PM Blackboard – Mike On, Share Entire Screen 3_ROS_NavagationI_geditMenu_gaz_teleop_RVIZ_4_4_2021.txt Let's show Gazebo and RVIZ $ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch $ ps $ roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch $ rosnode info gazebo $ rostopic echo /odom/pose -n 1 $ rostopic echo /odom/pose $ roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch 1. Terminal 1 Gazebo $ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch 1a. Look at the software: PARAMETERS NODES processes Minimize the terminal but do not close. 1b. Look at Gazebo Edit:Reset Model or World If Needed) Show left Panel/ Main Top Menu/ Toolbar Select model and show pose. Select physics and show gravity. 1a. New Terminal: $ ps use $top to see processes gzclient and gzserver Note PID to kill if needed 2. Keyboard $ roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch Cntl+alt 4 (Gazebo)/ cntl + alt 6 for KBD Terminal (Windows side by side) (See KBD shortcuts) u i o To move Turtle/ keep focus on keyboard window j k l K is TB. I is his +x, l is cw rotation m , . 2a. Move Turtlebot and show pose. $ rosnode info gazebo Publishes /odom [nav_msgs/Odometry] 2b New Terminal Look at /odom, Gazebo and KBD terminal $ rostopic echo /odom/pose -n 1 pose: One output : 2c. Move Turtlebot with KB and view /odom change (Focus on KBD terminal- watch Gazebo and /odom (Continuous output) Move TB $ rostopic echo /odom/pose 1 3. New Terminal RVIZ (Text Pg 171) $ roslaunch turtlebot_rviz_launchers view_robot.launch a. GlobalOptions> Change Fixed Frame > ODOM Laser Scan Topic (Open Dropdown = /scan) b. Display ADD Robot Model (If not selected), Axes (Change reference frame = base_footprint), Point Cloud > Camera/depth/points. Adjust size of image to see cloud. 3a. Move Turtlebot with KBD K is Turtlebot 2