Course Registration System


Iteration Plan
Elaboration Iteration #E1


Version 1.0



Revision History







Initial Plan for the E1 Iteration

Rick Bell










Table of Contents

1.       Introduction         

1.1     Purpose     

1.2     Scope     

1.3     Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations     

1.4     References     

1.5     Overview     

2.       Plan      

3.       Resources

4.       Use Cases

5.       Evaluation Criteria

Iteration Plan

1.                  Introduction

1.1               Purpose

This Iteration Plan describes the detailed plans for the E1 Iteration of the C-Registration System Project.

During the E1 Iteration the requirements will be further analyzed. The analysis and design for all use cases selected for Release 1.0 plus the high risk Release 2.0 use cases will be completed. The architectural prototype will be developed to test the feasibility and performance of the architecture that is required for Release 1.0.

1.2               Scope

The E1 Iteration Plan applies to the C-Registration System project being developed by Wylie College Information Systems for Wylie College. This document will be used by the Project Manager and by the project team.

1.3               Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See the Glossary [3].

1.4               References

Applicable references are:

  1. Vision Document for the C-Registration System, WyIT387, V1.0, Wylie College IT.
  2. Stakeholder Requests Document for the C-Registration System, WyIT389, V1.0, 1998, Wylie College IT.
  3. Glossary for the C-Registration System, WyIT406, V1.0, 1998, Wylie College IT.
  4. C-Registration System Elaboration Phase Schedule, V1.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.
  5. C-Registration System Software Development Plan, WyIT418, V1.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.


1.5               Overview

This document provides the detailed schedule for this iteration including all milestones.  It also describes the required resources (staffing, financial, and equipment), expected status of use cases, and evaluation criteria for completion of the iteration.

2.                  Plan

The E1 Iteration will conduct the analysis and design for all use cases selected for Release 1.0 plus the high risk Release 2.0 use cases will be completed. The architectural prototype will be developed to test the feasibility and performance of the architecture that is required for Release 1.0.

The features planned for Release 1.0 include:

    1. Iteration Activities

The following table illustrates the high level activities with their planned start and end dates.


Start Date

End Date

Business Modeling (all business use cases)

Feb 3, 1999

Feb 5, 1999

Requirements Definition (R1 use cases & high risk R2 use cases)

Feb 3, 1999

Feb 9, 1999

Analysis & Design (R1 use cases & high risk R2 use cases)

Feb 5, 1999

Feb 18, 1999

Implementation (R1 architectural prototype)

Feb 15, 1999

Feb 24, 1999

Test (R1 architectural prototype)

Feb 22, 1999

March 2, 1999


Feb 2, 1999

March 4, 1999


Feb 2, 1999

March 4, 1999


    1. Iteration Schedule

The detailed schedule showing all tasks and the assigned responsibilities is contained in the following schedule:

Task Name



Resource Names


Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99


Start Elaboration Phase

Tue 2/2/99

Tue 2/2/99


User-Interface Prototype Milestone

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99


Architectural Prototype Milestone (end Elaboration Phase)

Thu 3/4/99

Thu 3/4/99


Elaboration Phase

Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99


Iteration E1 - Develop Architectural Prototype

Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99


Business Modeling

Wed 2/3/99

Fri 2/5/99


Find Business Workers and Entities

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Business Designer

Describe Business Workers

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99


Describe Business Worker 'BW1'

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99

Business Designer

Describe Business Worker 'BW2'

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99

Business Designer

Describe Business Entities

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99


Describe Business Entity 'BE1'

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99

Business Designer

Describe Business Entity 'BE2'

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99

Business Designer

Review the Business Object Model

Fri 2/5/99

Fri 2/5/99

Business-Model Reviewer


Wed 2/3/99

Tue 2/9/99


Manage Dependencies

Wed 2/3/99

Tue 2/9/99

System Analyst

Detail Prioritized Use Cases

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99


Detail Use Case 'UC1'

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Use-Case Author

Detail Use Case 'UC2'

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Use-Case Author

Detail Use Case 'UC3'

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Use-Case Author

Detail Use Case 'UC4'

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Use-Case Author

Detail Use Case 'UC5'

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Use-Case Author

Structure the Use Case Model

Thu 2/4/99

Thu 2/4/99


User-Interface Modeling

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

User-Interface Designer

User-Interface Prototyping

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

User-Interface Designer

Review Requirements

Fri 2/5/99

Fri 2/5/99

Requirements Reviewer

Analysis & Design (Architecture & Major Risks)

Fri 2/5/99

Thu 2/18/99


Architectural Analysis

Fri 2/5/99

Fri 2/5/99


Prioritized Use-Case Analysis

Mon 2/8/99

Mon 2/8/99


Analyze Use-Case 'UC1'

Mon 2/8/99

Mon 2/8/99


Analyze Use-Case 'UC2'

Mon 2/8/99

Mon 2/8/99


Analyze Use-Case 'UC3'

Mon 2/8/99

Mon 2/8/99


Analyze Use-Case 'UC4'

Mon 2/8/99

Mon 2/8/99


Architectural Design

Tue 2/9/99

Tue 2/9/99


Describe Concurrency

Wed 2/10/99

Wed 2/10/99


Describe Distribution

Thu 2/11/99

Thu 2/11/99


Review the Architecture

Fri 2/12/99

Fri 2/12/99

Architecture Reviewer

Prioritized Subsystem Design

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Subsystem Design - Subsystem 'S1'

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Subsystem Design - Subsystem 'S2'

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Prioritized Class Design

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Class Design - Class 'C1'

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Class Design - Class 'C2'

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Class Design - Class 'C3'

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Class Design - Class 'C4'

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Prioritized Use-Case Design

Tue 2/16/99

Tue 2/16/99


Design Use-Case 'UC1'

Tue 2/16/99

Tue 2/16/99


Design Use-Case 'UC2'

Tue 2/16/99

Tue 2/16/99


Database Design

Wed 2/17/99

Wed 2/17/99

Database Designer

Review the Design

Thu 2/18/99

Thu 2/18/99

Design Reviewer

Implementation (Architecture & Major Risks)

Mon 2/15/99

Wed 2/24/99


Structure the Implementation Model

Mon 2/15/99

Mon 2/15/99


Plan System Integration

Fri 2/19/99

Fri 2/19/99

System Integrator

Plan Subsystem Integration

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99


Implement Prioritized Components

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99


Implement Component 'c1'

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99


Implement Component 'c2'

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99


Implement Component 'c3'

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99


Implement Component 'c4'

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99


Fix Defects

Tue 2/23/99

Tue 2/23/99


Integrate Subsystems

Tue 2/23/99

Tue 2/23/99


Integrate System

Wed 2/24/99

Wed 2/24/99

System Integrator

Test (Architecture & Major Risks)

Mon 2/22/99

Tue 3/2/99


Plan Test (Integration & System)

Mon 2/22/99

Mon 2/22/99

Test Designer

Design Test (Integration & System)

Tue 2/23/99

Tue 2/23/99

Test Designer

Implement Test

Wed 2/24/99

Wed 2/24/99

Test Designer

Design Test Packages and Classes

Thu 2/25/99

Thu 2/25/99


Implement Test Components and Subsystems

Fri 2/26/99

Fri 2/26/99


Execute Integration Test

Mon 3/1/99

Mon 3/1/99

Integration Tester

Execute System Test

Tue 3/2/99

Tue 3/2/99

System Tester

Execute Performance Tests

Mon 3/1/99

Mon 3/1/99

Performance Tester

Evaluate Test

Tue 3/2/99

Tue 3/2/99

Test Designer


Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99


Develop Iteration Plan

Tue 2/2/99

Tue 2/2/99

Project Manager

Staff the Project

Wed 2/3/99

Wed 2/3/99

Project Manager

Revisit Risk List

Tue 2/2/99

Tue 3/2/99

Project Manager

Evaluate the Iteration

Wed 3/3/99

Wed 3/3/99

Project Manager

Update Project Plan

Thu 3/4/99

Thu 3/4/99

Project Manager



Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99


Configure Processes

Tue 2/2/99

Thu 2/11/99


Improve Processes

Fri 2/12/99

Thu 3/4/99


Select and Acquire Tools

Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99



Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99


Support the Development

Tue 2/2/99

Thu 3/4/99



Mon 2/8/99

Wed 2/17/99



    1. Iteration Deliverables

The following deliverables will be generated and reviewed during the E1 Iteration:



Responsible Owner

Business Modeling Set

Glossary (expand & update)
Business Object Model

Bob Collings
Yee Chung

Requirements Set

Vision Document (update)
Use Case Specifications (update)
Supplementary Specification (update)
Use Case Model and Model Survey (update)
User-Interface Prototype (forms only)

Sue Gamble
Sue Gamble
Sue Gamble
Sue Gamble
Gavin Hansen

Design Set

Analysis Model (Logical View)
Design Model (Logical, Component & Process Views)
Software Architecture Document
Use Case Realization Spec.

Sue Gamble
Beth MacDonald
Steve Johnson
Beth MacDonald

Implementation Set

Integration Build Plan
Architectural Prototype - Software Baseline
Test Drivers, Stubs, Data, & Scripts
Test Evaluation Report

Kerry Stone
Phil Johnson
Simon Jones
Carol Smith

Management Set

E1 Iteration Plan
Project Plan (update)
Project Schedule (update)
Project Risk List (update)
Status Assessment
Iteration Assessment
Test Plan

Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Rick Bell
Kerry Stone

Standards and Guidelines

Design Guidelines
Programming Guidelines
Test Guidelines
User-Interface Guidelines
Requirements Attributes Doc (update)

Simon Jones
Simon Jones
Kerry Stone
Gavin Hansen
Sue Gamble


3.                  Resources

      1. Staffing Resources

The staffing requirements for the E1 Iteration are:

Project Management

Project Management Rick Bell

Business Modeling Group

Business Modeling Manager Bob King

Business-Process Analysts Bill Collings

Business Designer Yee Chung

Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering Manager Carol Ming

Systems Analysts Sue Gamble

Architect Steve Johnson

Software Engineering

Software Engineering Manager Diane Ng

Process Engineer (CM) Simon Jones

Developer Beth MacDonald

Developer Gavin Hansen

Developer/Designer Phil Johnson


Test Manager Kerry Stone

System Tester Carol Smith

The project organization chart and the staffing requirements for the full project are contained within the Project Plan [5].

      1. Financial Resources

The following table shows the budget for the E1 Iteration.














      1. Equipment & Facilities Resources

The E1 Iteration requires the following computer equipment:

    • 10 PCs (Microsoft Windows 95 , Microsoft Office, Rational Rose, Rational RequisitePro)
    • 10 Monitors
    • 3 Printers (2 Laser, 1 Color)
    • Access to the Wylie College Server.

This equipment is already in place at Wylie College Information Systems, with the exception of the 2 additional printers, which will be ordered.

Wylie College Information Systems department has sufficient office space and furniture to meet the needs of the E1 Iteration.

4.                  Use Cases

The use cases that will be developed for the E1 Iteration are:

1.        Login

2.        Close Registration

3.        Maintain Professor Information

4.        Register for Courses

5.        Maintain Student Information

6.        Interface to Course Catalog Database

7.        Interface to Finance System


5.                  Evaluation Criteria

The primary goal of the E1 Iteration is to complete the analysis and design of selected use cases and to develop a working architectural prototype.

Risk associated with the architectural design or system performance will be realized by the end of the iteration.

Each deliverable developed during the E1 Iteration will be peer reviewed and subject to approval from the team.

The internal project team and the Wylie College Registration representative will review the User-Interface Prototype and the Architectural Prototype.

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