Course Registration System
Risk List

Version 1.0

Revision History





18/Jan/99 1.0 Risks identified at the beginning of the Inception Phase. Rick Bell

Risk List

Project risk is evaluated at least once per iteration and documented in this table. The risks of the greatest magnitude are listed first in the table.


Risk Ranking/ Magnitude Risk Description & Impact Mitigation Strategy and/or Contingency Plan


R1 and R2 Releases may slip and not be available by September 1999 – the start of the Registration Period.

Monitor progress against the schedule & milestones.

Update effort to complete and time to complete on a regular basis.


Legacy Systems face a significant Y2K risk. If the legacy Billing System and Course Registration Database System are not Y2K compliant, the malfunction of these old systems could affect the operation of the C-Reg System.

Send letter to Wylie College Head Office regarding the necessity of a Y2K Audit on existing systems.


Interfaces to the old legacy Billing and Course Catalog Systems may introduce performance and response time issues.

Develop early prototypes to test all external interfaces.


Volume of students logged on during peak hours of the registration period may significantly degrade system performance.

Early prototyping and extrapolation of response time data should be done in the Elaboration Phase.


Incompatibility with internet browsers and specific configurations on client machines.

Address during Elaboration Phase.


The 4 open positions (2 Developers and 2 Designers) will not be hired within the timeframe.

If the open positions are not filled by the start of the Design, contact local recruiters.


The development team is relatively inexperienced with the Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Object Oriented Techniques. This could lead to lower efficiency and poorer product quality

Schedule training sessions for OO Development and the Rational Unified Process.

Establish ‘process mentors’ who can assist the team in understanding the process and the development activities.

Ensure all Design and Code is inspected.


Wylie College will be unable to fund the development as part of its 1999 budget.

Prepare a second option for financing which splits the development (and funding) across 2 years (1999 and 2000).


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Course Registration Project Web Example
Version 2001.02