Course Registration System

T1 & T2 Iteration Plan


Version 1.0



Revision History





May 15/1999


Initial Plan for 2 iterations of the Transition Phase: T1 and T2.

Rick Bell



Table of Contents

1.       Introduction         

1.1     Purpose     

1.2     Scope     

1.3     Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations     

1.4     References     

1.5     Overview     

2.       Plan      

3.       Resources

4.       Use Cases

5.       Evaluation Criteria

Iteration Plan

1.                  Introduction

1.1               Purpose

This Iteration Plan describes the detailed plans for the first two iterations of the Transition Phase.

The first iteration (T1) of the Transition Phase packages and installs the R1.0 version of the C-Registration System. This release contains all key functionality for course registration with the exception of submission and viewing of student marks.

The second iteration (T2) of the Transition Phase packages and installs the R2.0 version. This release contains all key functionality as defined in the Vision Document [1].

1.2               Scope

This Iteration Plan applies to the C-Registration System project being developed by Wylie College Information Systems for Wylie College. This document will be used by the Project Manager, Deployment Manager, and by the project team.

1.3               Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See the Glossary [3].

1.4               References

Applicable references are:

  1. Vision Document for the C-Registration System, WyIT387, V1.0, Wylie College IT.
  2. Stakeholder Requests Document for the C-Registration System, WyIT389, V1.0, 1998, Wylie College IT.
  3. Glossary for the C-Registration System, WyIT406, V1.0, 1998, Wylie College IT.
  4. C-Registration System Software Development Plan, WyIT418, V2.0, 1999, Wylie College IT.
  5. C-Registration Schedule for the Transition Phase, V1.0, Wylie College IT.


1.5               Overview

This document provides the detailed schedule for this iteration including all milestones.  It also describes the required resources (staffing, financial, and equipment), expected status of use cases, and evaluation criteria for completion of the iteration.

2.                  Plan

The first iteration (T1) will commence when the R1.0 software baseline is available from the development team. The software will be packaged and the distribution media created. The Transition team will create the User Manual and will install the software on the Wylie College Server and selected client PCs on campus. The Transition Team is responsible for conducting the User Acceptance Tests and obtaining signoff from the Wylie College representative.

In addition, the client software will be setup on an FTP site so that any client P.C. with a valid ID and Internet access may download the client portion to their P.C.

The transition team provides training and support to the Wylie College Registrar and administration staff following installation of the software.

The second iteration (T2) will commence when the R2.0 software baseline is available from the development team. The activities for preparing the R2.0 Release are the same as defined above for R1.0, with the exception that R2.0 must convert and import the R1.0 data.

The primary use cases that form Release 1.0 are:

The primary use cases that form Release 2.0 are:

    1. Iteration Activities

The following table illustrates the high level activities for T1 and T2 iterations with their planned start and end dates.


Start Date

End Date

T1 Iteration – Release 1.0


Produce Software

May 27, 1999

June 1, 1999

Package & Distribute Release

June 2, 1999

June 7, 1999

Acceptance Test

June 10, 1999

June 11, 1999

T2 Iteration – Release 2.0


Produce Software

June 30, 1999

July 2, 1999

Package & Distribute Release

July 5, 1999

July 8, 1999

Migrate R1.0 Data

June 30, 1999

July 20, 1999

Acceptance Test

July 13, 1999

July 14, 1999


    1. Iteration Schedule

The detailed schedule showing all tasks and the assigned responsibilities is contained in the following Microsoft Project schedule [5]:

Task Name




Thu 5/27/99

Wed 7/14/99

Start T1 Iteration

Thu 5/27/99

Thu 5/27/99

Release R1.0 Acceptance

Fri 6/11/99

Fri 6/11/99

Start T2 Iteration

Wed 6/30/99

Wed 6/30/99

Release 2.0 Acceptance

Wed 7/14/99

Wed 7/14/99


Transition Phase

Thu 5/27/99

Tue 7/20/99

Iteration T1 - Release 1

Thu 5/27/99

Wed 6/16/99


Thu 5/27/99

Wed 6/16/99

Produce Software

Thu 5/27/99

Tue 6/1/99

Installation scripts

Thu 5/27/99

Fri 5/28/99

User documentation

Thu 5/27/99

Tue 6/1/99

Configuration data

Thu 5/27/99

Fri 5/28/99

Package Software

Wed 6/2/99

Thu 6/3/99

Distribute Software

Fri 6/4/99

Mon 6/7/99

Install Software

Tue 6/8/99

Wed 6/9/99

Provide Help and Assistance to the Users

Thu 6/10/99

Wed 6/16/99

Acceptance Testing

Thu 6/10/99

Fri 6/11/99

Iteration T2 - Release 2

Wed 6/30/99

Tue 7/20/99


Wed 6/30/99

Tue 7/20/99

Produce Software

Wed 6/30/99

Fri 7/2/99

Installation scripts

Wed 6/30/99

Wed 6/30/99

User documentation

Wed 6/30/99

Fri 7/2/99

Configuration data

Wed 6/30/99

Wed 6/30/99

Additional programs for migration: data conversion

Wed 6/30/99

Thu 7/1/99

Package Software

Mon 7/5/99

Tue 7/6/99

Distribute Software

Wed 7/7/99

Thu 7/8/99

Install Software

Fri 7/9/99

Mon 7/12/99


Thu 7/15/99

Tue 7/20/99

Provide Help and Assistance to the Users

Tue 7/13/99

Mon 7/19/99

Acceptance Testing

Tue 7/13/99

Wed 7/14/99

    1. Iteration Deliverables

The following deliverables will be generated and reviewed during the T1 & T2 Iterations:



Responsible Owner


Installation Scripts

User Manual

Configuration Data

Software Installation Media

Release Notes

User Training Materials

Acceptance Test Signoff

P. Armstrong

G. Mandu

P. Armstrong

P. Armstrong

G. Mandu

G. Mandu

K. Stone / R. Bell


Installation Scripts

User Manual

Configuration Data

Data Migration Utility Program

Software Installation Media

Release Notes

User Training Materials

Acceptance Test Signoff

P. Armstrong

G. Mandu

P. Armstrong

B. MacDonald

P. Armstrong

G. Mandu

G. Mandu

K. Stone / R. Bell

3.                  Resources

  1. Staffing Resources

During the T1 & T2 Iterations the staffing requirements are:

Project Management

Project Management Rick Bell

Deployment Management Greg Mandu

Software Engineering

Developer Beth MacDonald


Test Manager Kerry Stone


Field Engineer Phil Armstrong

The project organization chart and the staffing requirements for the full project are contained within the Project Plan [4].

  1. Financial Resources

The following table shows the budget for the T1 & T2 Iterations.

  1. Equipment & Facilities Resources

The T1 & T2 Iterations require no additional equipment or facilities beyond those items already identified and obtained for the Construction Phase.

The existing Wylie College web site will be used for user support and downloading the client software.

The printing of the User Manuals will be contracted to the Wylie College Print Shop.

4.                  Use Cases

The T1 & T2 Iterations do not include the development of any use cases.

The primary use cases that form Release 1.0 are:

The primary use cases that form Release 2.0 are:

5.                  Evaluation Criteria

The primary goal of the T1 and T2 Iterations is to install R1.0 and R2.0 and obtain user acceptance of the software.

In addition, the following criteria must be met prior to completion of the T1 and T2 Iterations:

·         The R1.0 and R2.0 releases must not contain any critical or high priority defects.

·         R2.0 must be installed and operational 3 weeks prior to the start of student registration for the Fall Semester.

·         R1.0 and R2.0 must pass user acceptance and must be formally signed off by the Wylie College representative.

·         User training must be completed.

·         Web site must be established for product support.

·         User Manuals must be printed and available either through the IT department or the Wylie College Book Store.

·         The process and resources to provide ongoing user support must be established.