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Course Registration System
Risk List

Version 3.0

Revision History





18/Jan/99 1.0 Risks identified at the beginning of the Inception Phase. Rick Bell
12/Feb/99 2.0 Updated risk list at beginning of Elaboration Phase. No new risks. Eliminate risk of funding problems. Downgrade criticality of other risks. Rick Bell
27/March/99 3.0 Updated risk during the Second Iteration of the Construction Phase.

Added new risk regarding the performance requirements.

Updated other risks with current status.

Assigned actions for risk mitigation.

Rick Bell


Risk List

Project risk is evaluated at least once per iteration and documented in this table. The risks of the greatest magnitude are listed first in the table. (This list was last updated during the second iteration (C2) of the Construction Phase.)

Risk Ranking/ Magnitude Risk Description & Impact Mitigation Strategy and/or Contingency Plan


New Risk added 27/03/1999:

The System will not meet the performance and timing requirements. This is a critical issue as adequate response time when the system is fully loaded with registering students is required.

The performance and loading tests performed on the Architectural Prototype and Beta Release did NOT meet the specified requirements..

Re-assign the Systems Engineers back to the project to further evaluate the performance and loading problems.

Monitor progress on this risk weekly.

Action: Rick Bell


R1 and R2 Releases may slip and not be available by September 1999 – the start of the Registration Period.

Update 27/03/1999: C2 Iteration start date slipped 3 weeks so this risk must continue to be monitored closely.

Monitor progress against the schedule & milestones.

Update effort to complete and time to complete on a regular basis.

Update 27/03/1999: The project will bring in one additional developer to help reduce the timeframe for the C3 Iteration. Action: Risk Bell.


Legacy Systems face a significant Y2K risk. If the legacy Billing System and Course Registration Database System are not Y2K compliant, the malfunction of these old systems could affect the operation of the C-Reg System.

Send letter to Wylie College Head Office regarding the necessity of a Y2K Audit on existing systems.

(Update: Letter sent 10/02/1999. No response as of 12/02/1999)

Update 27/03/1999: Wylie College has officially responded in writing that the Billing System has passed an independent Y2K Audit. The Course Catalog Database Y2K audit is in progress and the results are expected to be released end of April. Action: Rick Bell to monitor.


One Developer position remains unfilled. If not filled by the start of the Construction Phase, the schedule could slip by up to 5 weeks.

Contact local recruiting agencies. Action: Rick Bell.

Update 27/03/1999: Developer position has been filled and one additional developer position is now opened. Action: Rick Bell to recruit and hire.


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Course Registration Project Web Example
Version 2001.02