Collegiate Sports Paging System

Development Case


Version 1.0



Revision History





October 1, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration

Table of Contents

Introduction Top of page


This document presents the manner in which the RUP and ContextWISE development methodology will be used for the Collegiate Sports Paging System project for WebNewsOnLine.


This development case applies to the Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition phases of the Collegiate Sports Paging System project.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

ContextWISE is the Web-optimized methodology developed by Context Integration. It is an adaptation of the Rational Unified Process for Web-based projects.

Artifacts are deliverables produced during various activities.

RUP is the Rational Unified Process, a software development methodology.




The remainder of this document describes ways in which the RUP will be adapted for this project. Where the RUP will be used as is, this is so noted.

Section 2 contains an overview of the development process, including project management and quality assurance activities. Section 3 describes the iteration workflows for the Elaboration and Construction phases. Section 4 describes Business Modeling workflows.

Overview of the Development Process Top of page

This project will consist of a full Inception phase, an Elaboration phase, a three-iteration Construction phase, and a full Transition phase. Design and code reviews will take place at key iteration milestones, and project quality reviews will be conducted at the end of each phase.

Phases Top of page


Define the Scope and Vision

We will work with the stakeholders of the system to be developed to define the vision and the scope of the project. This will be done using a facilitated session and will produce the Vision document as an artifact. An initial version of the project risks will also be developed at this point.

Outline and clarify the functionality that is to be provided by system.

We will conduct sessions to collect stakeholders's opinions on what the system should do. We will outline the Use-Case Model at this point as a basis for subsequent design activities. A Glossary of terms specific to this project will also be developed.

Consider the feasibility of the project, and define the Software Development plan.

With input from the use-case modeling, we will translate the Vision into economic terms, updating the Business Case, factoring in the project's investment costs, resource estimates, the environment needed, and success criteria (revenue projection and market recognition). We will also update the Risk List to refer to the identified use cases and add new identified risks. We will develop the initial Software Development plan to more fully map out the project phases.

Elaboration Workflows

To be defined later in the project.

Construction Workflows

To be defined later in the project.

Transition Workflows

To be defined later in the project.

Business Modeling Top of page

We will refine the Glossary during this activity.


The following artifacts are produced during this workflow:

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Glossary Microsoft Word Yes


The following reports are produced during this workflow:

Report Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Glossary Microsoft Word Yes

Key Input Artifacts



The development of a Supplementary Business Specification, Business Object Model, and Business Use Cases will be omitted from the standard workflow.

Requirements Top of page

We will capture requirements through the development of use-cases. Use-cases define actors (individuals who interact with the system) and use-cases (descriptions of how the actors interact with the system). During the development of use-cases (which will be done through facilitated sessions), a set of non-use-case requirements will also be captured into the Supplementary Specifications document.


The following artifacts are produced during this workflow:

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Vision Microsoft Word Yes
Actors Rational Rose No
Boundary Classes Rational Rose No
Glossary Microsoft Word Yes
Supplementary Specifications Microsoft Word Yes
Use Cases (updated) Rational Rose, Microsoft Word No
Creative Design Brief Microsoft Word Yes
Navigation Map Microsoft Word Yes
User Interface Prototype Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Word Yes


The following reports are generated during this workflow:

Report Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Use Case Survey Microsoft Word Yes

Key Input Artifacts

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Glossary Microsoft Word Yes

Maintenance of Input Requirements

None needed – keep as is.


The development of two artifacts is added to the standard workflow – Creative Design Brief and Navigation Map. We also move the generation of the User Interface Prototype into the Inception phase.

Analysis and Design Top of page

The use-cases developed during the Requirements workflow form the basis for subsequent analysis and design. Object-oriented design and analysis techniques will be used to complete the use-cases initially developed, produce the analysis and design object models, the data model, and the software architecture document.


The following artifacts are produced during this workflow:

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Data Model Rational Rose Yes
Design Model Rational Rose Yes
Database Design Rational Rose Yes
Software Architecture Document Microsoft Word Yes


The following reports are generated during this workflow:

Report Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Use Case Survey Microsoft Word Yes

Key Input Artifacts

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Glossary Microsoft Word Yes
Supplementary Specifications Microsoft Word Yes
Use Cases (updated) Rational Rose, Microsoft Word No
Creative Design Brief Microsoft Word Yes
Navigation Map Microsoft Word Yes
User Interface Prototype Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Word Yes


This is not a real-time system, so the real-time design workflow is omitted. We are designing the database at this point, so the optional workflow is included in this phase.

Implementation Top of page

Implementation will occur by developing objects and packages based on the design models developed earlier. Once these are initially created, they will be reviewed by the development team, unit tested by the developer, and placed under configuration management for integration into subsystems and systems for integration testing.


The following artifacts are produced during this workflow:

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Implementation Subsystem Microsoft FrontPage Yes

Code Reviews

Formal code reviews will occur at the end of the Inception phase.

Unit Test Coverage

See the Test Plan.

Key Input Artifacts

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Data Model Rational Rose Yes
Design Model Rational Rose Yes
Database Design Rational Rose Yes
Software Architecture Document Microsoft Word Yes


The standard workflow is used.

Project ManagementTop of page


The following artifacts are produced during this workflow:

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Risk List Microsoft Word Yes
Software Development Plan Microsoft Word Yes
Iteration Plans Microsoft Word Yes
Iteration Assessment Microsoft Word Yes
Status Assessment Microsoft Word Yes



Key Input Artifacts

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Vision Microsoft Word Yes
Development Case Microsoft Word Yes
Software Architecture Document Microsoft Word Yes


The standard workflow is used.

Test Top of page

The test workflow will be driven by test cases and scripts that will be developed from the use-cases. Integration testing (which tests the functionality of the system), load and stress testing (which tests the system under various load conditions) will be deferred to the Elaboration phase.


The following artifacts are produced during this workflow:

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Test package Microsoft Word Yes
Change requests Microsoft Word Yes


The following reports are generated during this workflow:

Report Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Test summary Microsoft Word Yes

Key Input Artifacts

Artifact Tools Used Formal Deliverable?
Implementation Subsystem Microsoft FrontPage Yes


The standard workflow will be used.

Deployment Top of page

A one-month Beta test will be used to determine suitability of the system for deployment. Once any major defects are corrected, the system will be released for general use. During the inception phase, no deployment will be executed.


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