Collegiate Sports Paging System


 Version 2.0

 Revision History





October 12, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
November 12, 1999 2.0 Update after Elaboration iteration Context Integration
Table of Contents

    Introduction Top of page


    The glossary contains the working definitions for all classes in the Collegiate Sports Paging System. This glossary will be expanded throughout the life of the project.


    This glossary addresses all terms which have specific meanings for this project. Actors are not listed here as they are described more fully in the use case definitions.



    Definitions Top of page

    Advertiser Profile

    Information about an advertiser and their contract with WebNewsOnLine.  Includes advertiser name and address, balance due less than 30 days, balance due greater than 30 days, pricing information (maintained by WebNewsOnLine advertising department), and account status (active, inactive).


    Information about content.  Includes major status (viewed, archived) and, if content is not archived, type of story (NCAA, PAC10, etc.).  Types of stories are selected from a maintained list within the system, and are referenced by subscriber's Page-me-when profile.


    Content consists of all of the media by which a news story or sporting event story can be delivered to a user. This may include text, graphics, video, or sound.


    Sending of text information to a pager to inform subscriber of new content available on Web Site.

    Page-me-when Profile

    Information about subscriber's wishes for receiving pages.  Includes all categories of stories or content which, when posted to the system, will generate a page to a subscriber.


    A pager is a device capable of receiving an alphanumeric message. A cellular phone may act as a pager, as may email. For this project, all such devices will be considered as pagers.

    Pager Gateway

    The pager gateway is a combination of hardware and software that takes text messages and delivers them (via vendor-specific interfaces) to pagers.

    Personal Profile

    Personal information about a subscriber.  Includes name, address, email address, phone numbers, credit card number, PIN, and date of expiration, subscription start and end dates.

    Preferences Profile

    Information about a subscriber's paging preferences.  Includes time limits on pages (do not page between specific times of specific days).


    Text, graphics, video, and/or sound that describe a sporting event.


    A subscription is an agreement between a customer and WebNewsOnLine to deliver pages when events occur in specific sports subject areas (such as NCAA Basketball).

    Web Site

    The Collegiate Sports Paging System web site is a computer system that a user accesses using commercial web browser software. Subscribers will receive customized displays of content they can access.


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