Collegiate Sports Paging System

Software Development Plan

Version 1.0

Revision History





October 5, 1999 1.0 Initial release Context Integration

Table of Contents

Introduction Top of page


The purpose of this Software Development Plan is to define the development activities in terms of the phases and iterations required for implementing a Collegiate Sports Paging Service for WebNewsOnLine.


This Software Development Plan describes the overall plan to be used by the team for developing the system for . The details of the individual iterations will be described in the Iteration Plans.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations



  1. CSPS Requirements Management Plan
  2. CSPS Risk List
  3. CSPS Development Case
  4. CSPS Creative Design Brief

Project Overview Top of page

Project purpose, scope and objectives

This project will implement a customized for WebNewsOnline. This will deliver notification of updated content to subscribers via pagers, cellular phones, or electronic mail. The subscribers will then be able to view their customized content via the World Wide Web.

Assumptions and constraints

The system must be available in time for "March Madness" in the year 2000 (NCAA Championship Tournament).

Project deliverables

The following deliverables will be produced during the project:

Evolution of the Software Development Plan

This plan will be updated prior to be start of each subsequent phase or iteration. The target dates for the end of each phase are shown below.

Project Organization Top of page

Organizational Structure

The project team for the Inception and Elaboration phases will be organized as follows:

External Interfaces

The project team will work with the Editing staff, Advertising staff, and Field Representative staff to gather requirements, review prototypes, and test various functions within the system. The primary contact for WebNewsOnLine will be Donna Cram, Director of Business Operations.

Roles and Responsibilities

The following table shows the roles represented in the project diagram above and their primary responsibilities.

Role Responsibility
Project Manager The Project Manager allocates resources, shapes priorities, coordinates interactions with the customers and users, and generally tries to keep the project team focused on the right goal. The Project Manager also establishes a set of practices that ensure the integrity and quality of project artifacts.
Architect The Architect leads and coordinates technical activities and artifacts throughout the project. The Architect establishes the overall structure for each architectural view: the decomposition of the view, the grouping of elements, and the interfaces between these major groupings. Thus, in contrast with the other workers, the Architect's view is one of breadth, as opposed to depth.
Business Analyst The business analyst leads and coordinates business use-case modeling, by outlining and delimiting the organization being modeled. For example, establishing what business actors and business use cases exist and how they interact.
Designer The designer defines the responsibilities, operations, attributes, and relationships of one or several classes and determines how they should be adjusted to the implementation environment. In addition, the designer may have responsibility for one or more design packages or design subsystems, including any classes owned by the packages or subsystems.
Creative Designer The creative designer leads and coordinates the prototyping and design of the Web interface, by capturing requirements on the Web interface, including usability requirements, building Web page prototypes, involving other stakeholders of the Web interface, such as end-users, in usability reviews and use testing sessions, and reviewing and providing the appropriate feedback on the final implementation of the Web interface (as created by other developers, i.e. designers and implementers).
Tester The Tester is responsible for executing testing, including test set-up and execution, evaluation of test execution and recovery from errors, and assessing the results of test and logging identified defects
Requirements Specialist The Requirements Specialist captures the specification of a part of the system's functionality by describing the Requirements aspect of one or several use cases and other supporting software requirements. The Requirements Specialist is also responsible for a use-case package, and maintaining the integrity of that package.

Management Process Top of page

Project Estimates

The Inception phase of this project will take 3 weeks. Initial estimates of subsequent phases can be seen in section 2.4 above.

Project Plan

The Inception phase of the project can be viewed as follows:




INCEPTION Fri 10/1/99 Mon 10/25/99
Begin Inception Fri 10/1/99 Fri 10/1/99
Inception Kick-off Mon 10/4/99 Wed 10/6/99
Add tasks to project plan for specific project technology using ContextWISE cartridges Mon 10/4/99 Mon 10/4/99
Assemble Change Control Board Mon 10/4/99 Tue 10/5/99
Create and baseline Change Control Plan Tue 10/5/99 Tue 10/5/99
Obtain Sign-off Tue 10/5/99 Tue 10/5/99
Inception Kick-off Meeting Tue 10/5/99 Wed 10/6/99
Prepare for inception kick-off meeting Tue 10/5/99 Wed 10/6/99
Hold Inception Kick-off Meeting Wed 10/6/99 Wed 10/6/99
Inception Kick-off Completed Wed 10/6/99 Wed 10/6/99
Inception Deliverables Wed 10/6/99 Thu 10/14/99
Hold Requirements Workshop Wed 10/6/99 Thu 10/7/99
Project Vision created, reviewed, and signed off Wed 10/6/99 Thu 10/7/99
Preliminary Use Case Model (10-20% complete) created and placed under revision control Thu 10/7/99 Mon 10/11/99
Preliminary Use Case Survey created, reviewed, and signed off Mon 10/11/99 Tue 10/12/99
Preliminary Supplementary Specifications created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 10/12/99 Tue 10/12/99
Business Case created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 10/12/99 Tue 10/12/99
Preliminary Project Glossary created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 10/12/99 Tue 10/12/99
Preliminary Creative Design Brief created, reviewed, and signed off Wed 10/6/99 Thu 10/7/99
Preliminary Site Map & Use-Case Navigation Mapping created, reviewed, and signed off Thu 10/7/99 Fri 10/8/99
Creative Design Comps created, reviewed, and signed off Fri 10/8/99 Mon 10/11/99
Preliminary Content Plan created, reviewed, and signed off (if applicable) Wed 10/6/99 Wed 10/6/99
User Interface Prototype (optional) created, reviewed, and signed off Wed 10/6/99 Wed 10/6/99
Reports Prototype (optional) created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 10/12/99 Thu 10/14/99
Develop Preliminary Technology Alternatives Wed 10/6/99 Thu 10/7/99
Establish contact with appropriate Context Gurus Tue 10/12/99 Wed 10/13/99
Preliminary Knowledge Transfer Plan & Schedule created, reviewed, and signed off Wed 10/13/99 Wed 10/13/99
Validate/Invalidate Assumption from Inception proposal Wed 10/13/99 Thu 10/14/99
Obtain Sign-off Thu 10/14/99 Thu 10/14/99
Inception Deliverables Complete Thu 10/14/99 Thu 10/14/99
Inception Wrap-up Thu 10/14/99 Mon 10/25/99
Conduct Quality Check Meeting with Client Thu 10/14/99 Thu 10/14/99
Conduct Quality Assurance Thu 10/14/99 Fri 10/15/99
Hold Context Lessons Learned Meeting Thu 10/14/99 Thu 10/14/99
First project estimates created, reviewed, and signed off (+75%, -60%) Thu 10/14/99 Mon 10/18/99
Full Project Iterative Delivery Plan created, reviewed, and signed off Mon 10/18/99 Tue 10/19/99
Create proposal for Elaboration Phase Thu 10/14/99 Fri 10/15/99
Create Software Project Log Fri 10/15/99 Fri 10/15/99
Prepare for Inception Checkpoint Fri 10/15/99 Mon 10/18/99
Have team, including client project manager, complete the work release sign-off form Mon 10/18/99 Tue 10/19/99
Deliver proposal for Elaboration Phase Tue 10/19/99 Thu 10/21/99
Inception Checkpoint Review and Go/No Go Decision Thu 10/21/99 Fri 10/22/99
Move appropriate deliverables from Project Homepage to IAN Artifacts Fri 10/22/99 Mon 10/25/99
Inception Complete Mon 10/25/99 Mon 10/25/99

Phase Plan

The development of the will be conducted using a phased approach where multiple iterations occur within a phase. The phases and the relative timeline is shown in the table below:

Phase No. of Iterations Start End
Inception Phase 1 Week 1 Week 4
Elaboration Phase 1 Week 5 Week11
Construction Phase 3 Week 12 Week 27
Transition Phase 1 Week 28 Week 31

The milestones that mark the end of each phase can be seen in the table below.

Description Milestone
Inception Phase The Inception Phase will develop the product requirements and establish the business case for the . The major use cases will be developed as well as the high level Project Plan. At the end of the Inception Phase will decide whether to fund and proceed with the project based upon the business case. Business Case Review Milestone at the end of the phase marks the Go/No Go decision for the project.
Elaboration Phase The Elaboration Phase will analyze the requirements and will develop the architectural prototype. At the completion of the Elaboration Phase all use cases selected for Release 1.0 will have completed analysis and design. In addition, the high risk use cases for Release 2.0 will have been analyzed and designed. The architectural prototype will test the feasibility and performance of the architecture that is required for Release 1.0. The Architectural Prototype Milestone marks the end of the Elaboration Phase. This prototype signifies verification of the major architectural components that comprise the R1.0 Release.
Construction Phase During the Construction Phase, remaining use cases will be analyzed and designed. The Beta version for Release 1.0 will be developed and distributed for evaluation. The implementation and test activities to support the R1.0 and R2.0 releases will be completed. The R2.0 Operational Capability Milestone marks the end of the Construction Phase. Release 2.0 software is ready for packaging.
Transition Phase The Transition Phase will prepare the R1.0 and R2.0 releases for distribution. It provides the required support to ensure a smooth installation including user training. The R2.0 Release Milestone marks the end of the Transition Phase. At this point all capabilities, as defined in the Vision Document, are installed and available for the users.

Iteration Objectives

Phase Iteration Description Associated Milestones Risks Addressed
Inception Preliminary Iteration Defines business model, product requirements, project plan, and business case. Business Case Review Clarifies user requirements up front.

Develops realistic project plans and scope.

Determines feasibility of project from a business point of view

Elaboration Phase Develop Architectural Prototype Completes analysis & design for all use cases. Develops the architectural prototype. Architectural Prototype Architectural issues clarified.

Technical risks mitigated.

Early prototype for user review.

Construction Phase C1 Iteration – Develop Beta Implement and test use cases to provide the Beta Version. Beta All key features from a user and architectural prospective implemented in the Beta.

User feedback prior to release of software.

  C2 Iteration – Develop initial Release Implement and test remaining use cases, fix defects from Beta, and incorporate feedback from Beta.

Develops the initial system.

Software Software fully reviewed by user community.

Product quality should be high.

Defects minimized.

Cost of quality reduced.

  C3 Iteration – Develop full Release Incorporate enhancements and defects from initial release.

Develops the full system.

Software Quick release addresses customer satisfaction.

All key functionality provided in System by full Release.

Transition phase Software Release Package, distribute, and install Release. Software Released  


At this point in time, two releases are planned. The first must be complete in time for March Madness, and its scope will be determined during the Elaboration Phase. Any functionality remaining will be included in a subsequent release (if required).

Project Schedule

The preliminary project schedule can be seen in section 2.4. Updated plans will be made available on the dates specified in that section

Project Resourcing

  1. Staffing Plan
  2. The individuals on this project are provided by Context Integration and and are named in section 3.1.

  3. Resource Acquisition Plan
  4. Not Applicable.

  5. Training Plan
  6. The staff assigned to this project have appropriate skills at this point. A Knowledge Transfer Plan will be developed during the Inception Phase to ensure that staff acquire the skills needed to support the system following the Transition Phase.


The budget for the Inception Phase is $150,000.00. A price for the Elaboration Phase will be developed during the Inception Phase.

Iteration Plans

This document contains the Iteration Plan for Inception. Iteration plans for subsequent phases will be delivered at the end of the preceding phase or iteration.

Project Monitoring and control

  1. Requirements management plan
  2. See reference [1].

  3. Schedule control plan
  4. Project status reports will be issued weekly and will include Milestone Tracking detail to ensure that the project stays on track. Changes in the schedule will be escalated to the project sponsors, who will then decide whether to alter scope in order to preserve target completion dates.

  5. Budget control plan
  6. Project status reports will be issued weekly and will include Milestone Tracking detail to ensure that the project stays on track. Changes in the schedule will be escalated to the project sponsors, who will then decide whether to alter scope in order to preserve target completion dates.

  7. Quality control plan
  8. Formal reviews will be executed for each design and implementation subsystem. This will ensure that the objects under review meet the specified requirements.

  9. Reporting Plan
  10. Weekly project status reports will be issued. Phase and Iteration summary reports will also be issued at the appropriate times.

  11. Measurement Plan
  12. Effort and time will be used to track progress of the project. Planned vs. Actual reports will be used by the project manager to measure progress.

  13. Risk Management plan
  14. See reference [2].

  15. Close-out plan
  16. At the end of the project, a Lessons Learned meeting will be held to capture new techniques, tools, or methods. Project deliverables will be archived to the Knowledge Management repository for future reference.

Technical process plans Top of page

Development Case

See reference [3].

Methods, tools and techniques

The standard guidelines in the RUP will be used.

Infrastructure plan

This project will be developed at a Context Solution Center which has appropriate servers and software already installed.

Product acceptance plan

To be developed.

Supporting process plansTop of page

Configuration management plan

See reference [3].

Evaluation plan

To be developed.

Documentation plan

Documents to be developed are listed in reference [3].

Quality assurance plan

See reference [3].

Problem resolution plan

To be developed.

Subcontractor management plan

N/A - no subcontractors will be used.

Process improvement plan

At completion of each phase, a Lessons Learned session will be held to capture improvements to the process.

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