Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Specification: Provide Feedback

Version 2.0

Revision History





October 9, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
December 1, 1999 2.0 Update after Elaboration Context Integration
Table of Contents

Provide Feedback Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when a system user (advertiser, subscriber, or potential subscriber) wishes to comment on the service or the web site.  This option will be made available to users at main display pages only.

Flow of Events Top of page

Basic Flow

  1. User selects "Provide Feedback"
  2. System looks up central user support phone numbers.
  3. System displays phone numbers to call and gives the user the option to send email immediately
  4. User selects email option
  5. System looks up email address of customer service and passes it to the browser.
  6. System launches email browser client
  7. User enters message, presses "Send"
  8. Browser mail client sends mail.

Alternative Flows


Special Requirements Top of page


Preconditions Top of page


Postconditions Top of page


Extension Points Top of page


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