Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Specification: Read Content on Web Site

Version 1.0

Revision History





October 9, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
Table of Contents

Read Content on Web Site Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when an active subscriber or unregistered user connects to the system to view information.

Flow of Events Top of page

Basic Flow

  1. System scans "archived" list of content. For any stories older than 2 days, the story is moved back into the general category
  2. System displays banner ads, general content categories, and specific stories for which pages have been sent.
  3. Subscriber views stories
  4. For any paged stories, the stories are marked as viewed and placed into an "archived" category

Alternate Flows

User is not registered subscriber
  1. System displays banner ads and general content categories
  2. System provides the option for the user to subscribe
  3. User views stories

Special Requirements Top of page

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.

Preconditions Top of page


Postconditions Top of page

Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points Top of page

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.

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