Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Specification: Subscribe

 Version 2.0

Revision History





October 9, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
December 1, 1999 2.0 Update after Elaboration Context Integration
Table of Contents

Subscribe Top of page

Brief Description

This use case enables a potential subscriber to subscribe to the Collegiate Sports Paging System service.

Flow of Events Top of page

Basic Flow

  1. Potential Subscriber selects "Subscribe" option.
  2. System looks up current contract terms and available service options
  3. System displays contract terms and service options
  4. Potential subscriber acknowledges terms and selects service options
  5. System records currently selected service options
  6. System displays categories of profile (personal, preferences, pager information, "page me when" selections).
  7. User selects category
  8. System displays detail of category
  9. User updates detail, presses "OK"
  10. System validates data as required, updates subscriber profile.

Alternative Flows

  1. User rejects contract terms
  2. If the potential subscriber does not acknowledge the contract terms, the use case terminates.

Special Requirements Top of page


Preconditions Top of page


Postconditions Top of page

New subscriber is recorded in the system and may receive pages immediately.

Extension Points Top of page




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