Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Model Survey

Version 1.0


Revision History





October 13, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration

 Table of Contents

Use Case Model Survey

Introduction Top of page


This report describes the use-case model comprehensively, in terms of how the model is structured into packages and what use cases and actors there are in the model.


This Use Case Model Survey applies to the Collegiate Sports Paging System, which will be developed by Context Integration. This system will allow subscribers to be notified of events relating to collegiate sports events or teams to which they subscribe, and will enable them to view the content they have subscribed to.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See Glossary.



Actor Catalog Top of page

Name Description
Subscriber A Subscriber is an individual who pays WebNewsOnLine to deliver customized content and alphanumeric pages when events of interest occur. Subscribers specify, though a profile, which categories of content they are interested in.
Advertiser The Advertiser is an entity who pays WebNewsOnLine for displaying advertising content to subscribers and potential subscribers. Advertisers also post advertising content to the Web site.
Editor The Editor is a WebNewOnLine employee who categorizes, modifies, approves, or rejects content and advertising content.
Paging Service The Paging Service is a system which transmits alphanumeric pages to paging devices.
Pager Gateway The Pager Gateway is a system which gathers pages to be sent to subscribers, formats them, and transmits them to the paging service.
Current WebNewsOnLine System This system currently provides online, non-customized news and sports content.
Potential Subscriber A Potential Subscriber is an individual who does not currently subscribe to the Collegiate Sports Paging System, but who may elect to do so.


Approve Story Top of page

Brief Description

This Use Case takes place when an editor approves a story for inclusion in the Collegiate Sports Paging System. Some stories will automatically propogate from the existing system, but some stories will require editor intervention (either because their subject is not clear or the categories to which the story belongs are not clear). This flow is also used to approve advertising content being posted.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. The system places a story in the editor’s "to-do" workflow.
  2. The editor views the story.
  3. The editor categorizes the story and marks it approved.
  4. The system includes the story and triggers initiation of paging messages.

Alternate Flows

  1. Reject Content
    1. The editor views the story.
    2. The editor marks the story as rejected
    3. The system notifies the originator of the content that the story has been rejected
  2. Modify Content
    1. Editor selects "Modify Story"
    2. System displays titles of all stories available
    3. Editor selects specific title
    4. System displays characteristics of story
    5. Editor updates characteristics
    6. Editor selects "Save"
    7. System re-posts story, triggering paging activity as needed
  3. Approve Advertising Content
    1. The editor views the advertising content
    2. The editor marks it approved.
    3. The system includes the advertising content for display
    4. The system marks the preliminary billing record as approved
  4. Reject Advertising Content
    1. The editor views the advertising content
    2. The editor marks it rejected and provides a reason for rejection
    3. The system notifies the advertiser (via email) of the rejection and the reason
  5. Story not viewable
  6. If the story has been deleted by another editor and is not currently viewable, the use case terminates.

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.


Editor must be logged in.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Edit Profile Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when a subscriber wishes to change their profile information or when a new subscriber wishes to enroll.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. User selects "Edit Profile"
  2. System displays categories of profile (personal, preferences, pager information, "page me when" selections.
  3. User selects category
  4. System displays detail
  5. User updates detail, presses "OK"
  6. System validates data as required, updates subscriber profile.

Alternate Flows

If this is a new subscriber, the use case "Pay Fee with Credit Card" is invoked following step 5 above.

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.

This needs to be secured as credit card information may be in the profile.


Preconditions will be determined during the next iteration.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.

Pay Fee With Credit Card Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when a new subscriber wants to pay their annual subscription fee by specifying a credit card number and PIN. This may also occur when an existing subscriber wants to renew (see alternate flow 1)

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. Subscriber selects "pay fee with credit card"
  2. System prompts subscriber for credit card number, expiration date, and (optionally) PIN
  3. System sends credit card info to external system for charge validation and application
  4. Upon receipt of validation, system updates subscriber record to indicate new expiration date

Alternate Flows

Subscriber renews subscription

When this occurs, the flow runs as follows:

  1. Subscriber selects "pay fee with credit card"
  2. System displays current credit card information
  3. User either accepts information as is or updates appropriately
  4. System sends credit card info to external system for charge validation and application
  5. Upon receipt of validation, system updates subscriber record to indicate new expiration date
Invalid credit card information

If the information provided by the subscriber is not validated by the external system, an error message will be displayed and the subscriber record will NOT be updated (so that the last steps in the above flows will not be executed).

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.

Issue – interface specifications for external credit card system need to be verified.


Preconditions will be determined during the next iteration.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Print Advertiser Reports Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when an advertiser accesses the Collegiate Sports Paging System to obtain reports of how their advertising content has been viewed.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. Advertiser selects "Print Reports"
  2. System displays all advertising content provided by advertiser
  3. Advertiser selects one or more pieces of content on which to report
  4. System displays a list of reports for this advertiser
  5. Advertiser selects one or more reports to generate
  6. Advertiser selects format (Word, Excel, or to browser window)
  7. System creates first report and prompts user to save or view
  8. Advertiser saves or views report, selects "Next Report"
  9. System creates next report and prompts user to save or view
  10. Flows 8) and 9) are repeated until no more reports remain

Alternate Flows


Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.

Issues – what do we do with obsolete content? How long will we allow reports to be run on content no longer available on the web site? Do we need to encrypt this transmission?


User is connected and validated as an advertiser.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Provide Feedback Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when a system user (advertiser, subscriber, or potential subscriber) wishes to comment on the service or the web site.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. User selects "Provide Feedback"
  2. System looks up central user support phone numbers.
  3. System displays phone numbers to call and gives the user the option to send email immediately
  4. User selects email option
  5. System looks up email address of customer service and passes it to the browser.
  6. System launches email browser client
  7. User enters message, presses "Send"
  8. Browser mail client sends mail.

Alternative Flows


Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.


Preconditions will be determined during the next iteration.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Post Advertising Content Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when an advertiser wants to post advertising content (banner ads) on the web site and specify which subscriber profiles should be used for display.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. Advertiser selects "Post Content"
  2. System validates account billing information to ensure new content will be accepted
  3. System prompts for content
  4. Advertiser uploads content in GIF format
  5. System displays potential categories for ad display (based on subscriber profile options)
  6. Advertiser selects categories for which this ad should be shown
  7. System displays potential frequencies and prices for the ad
  8. Advertiser selects desired frequency for this ad
  9. System creates preliminary billing record for this ad
  10. System places content in editor’s "to-do" workflow for approval

Alternative Flow

Invalid Account Information
  1. Advertiser selects "Post Content"
  2. System validates account billing information to ensure new content will be accepted
  3. Account information is invalid, advertiser is prompted to contact .

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.


User is connected and validated as an advertiser.

Advertiser account exists.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Read Content on Web Site Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when an active subscriber or unregistered user connects to the system to view information.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. System scans "archived" list of content. For any stories older than 2 days, the story is moved back into the general category
  2. System displays banner ads, general content categories, and specific stories for which pages have been sent.
  3. Subscriber views stories
  4. For any paged stories, the stories are marked as viewed and placed into an "archived" category

Alternate Flows

User is not registered subscriber
  1. System displays banner ads and general content categories
  2. System provides the option for the user to subscribe
  3. User views stories

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.




Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Send Content Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when content is posted to the existing WebNewsOnLine web site. Some stories will be tagged for transmission to the Collegiate Sports Paging System, and will be sent for possible paging and display.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. Content editor places content on WebNewsOnLine web site
  2. For collegiate sports content, system checks categorization and/or headline
  3. For categories that are known by the Collegiate Sports Paging System, stories are transmitted along with category information
  4. Story is placed into the Collegiate Sports Paging System for possible paging

Alternate Flows

Content is not categorized

If the content is not categorized, the story is placed in the editor’s "to-do" workflow.

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.


Editor must be logged in.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Send Page Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when new content is posted to the Collegiate Sports Paging System.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. System checks categories for the new content
  2. System checks subscriber lists to determine whether any subscribers wish to be paged for this category of content
  3. System generates a text message based on the headline
  4. System constructs a series of email messages
  5. System sends email messages to subscribers (who will receive these as an alphanumeric page)

Alternate Flows


Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.


Content is posted, headline is available, categorization is available.


Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


Subscribe Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when a potential subscriber wants to subscribe to the service.

Flow of Events

Basic Flow

  1. System looks up current contract terms and available service options
  2. System displays contract terms and service options
  3. Potential subscriber acknowledges terms and selects service options
  4. System records currently selected service options
  5. System invokes "Edit Profile" use case

Alternative FLows

User rejects contract terms

If the potential subscriber does not acknowledge the contract terms, the use case terminates.

Special Requirements

Special requirements will be determined during the next iteration.




Postconditions will be determined during the next iteration.

Extension Points

Extension points of the use case will be identified during the Elaboration Phase.


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