Collegiate Sports Paging System


Version 1.0


Revision History





October 6, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration

 Table of Contents

Introduction Top of page

The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze and define high-level needs and features of the Collegiate Sports Paging System. It focuses on the capabilities needed by the stakeholders, and the target users, and why these needs exist. The details of how the Collegiate Sports Paging System fulfils these needs are detailed in the use-case and supplementary specifications.


The purpose of this document is to define the high-level requirements of the in terms of the needs of the end users.


This Vision Document applies to the Collegiate Sports Paging System, which will be developed by Context Integration. This system will allow subscribers to be notified of events relating to collegiate sports events or teams to which they subscribe, and will enable them to view the content they have subscribed to.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See Glossary document.



Positioning Top of page

Business Opportunity

WebNewsOnLine currently provides news via the World Wide Web as well as in print. It currently holds a very strong position in the Collegiate Sports category, and is looking for ways to expand its revenue base. In the words of Maria Scirpo, CEO:

We will leverage WebNewsOnLine's strength in local and collegiate sports coverage by offering a subscription paging service. Subscribers, for a fee of $15/year, can pick college divisions, teams or even individual athletes that they wish to track. For instance, a subscriber could track the NCAA Pac Ten basketball teams (e.g., Cal, Stanford, UCLA, etc). Every time a story was produced about this division, the subscriber would receive an alpha-numeric page.

After receiving the page, the subscriber can, at their leisure, access the web site. There, on a customized home page, besides the standard stories and links, would be url’s corresponding to each alpha-numeric page received by the subscriber. Behind these url’s will be stories, audio and video relating to the page.

This service will be promoted at college campuses and via various alumni association magazines.

Benefits envisioned from this approach include:

  1. It will play to WebNewsOnLine's strengths in covering collegiate sports (i.e., already has most of this content available)
  2. A subscription of $15/year means that only 200,000 subscribers will be needed to net $3m/year in revenues. This breakeven point was thought to be very achievable.
  3. An entirely new source of advertisers will be willing to pay for ad space associated with this service. For instance, it is thought that local car dealerships, restaurants, boutiques, etc., will be willing to pay to have the eyes of this very affluent and targeted set of users. For instance, several Napa vineyards have already expressed interest in buying space for subscribers to the Pac Ten.

Problem Statement

The problem of Keeping current on collegiate sports events
affects Mobile business people
The impact of which is That they are unable to follow their alma mater (or other collegiate sports in which they are interested) without spending significant time searching for news in their specific interest area.
A successful solution would Notify them when news in their interest area occurs, and provide them a place to get the news they have requested.

Product Position Statement

For Mobile business people
Who Want to follow specific collegiate sports events or groups
The Collegiate Sports Paging System is a software product
That Notifies subscribers when news related to their interest area occurs and is available
Unlike The current state of the art which requires that they check online news on a regular basis to find news in their interest area.
Our product Notifies subscribers when news in their interest area occurs, allowing them to check news only when there is content to be read.

Stakeholder and User Descriptions Top of page

Market Demographics

The target market for this system is comprised of a mobile, interested, intellectual, upscale segment of society-but mobile is the key word, whether it means people who have moved from Cincinnati to Atlanta, or people who are mobile in terms of their lifestyles or their occupations.

Stakeholder Summary

Name Represents Role
Subscriber End consumers of the content provided by WebNewsOnLine. Create profiles, receive pages, read custom content, and subscribe using credit cards.
Advertiser Firms who pay to advertise to target customers on the web site. Select target customer groups, provide advertising content, receive reports of advertising viewing.
Editor WebNewsOnLine's content provision channel. Place content on web site, categorize content.

User Summary

Name Description Stakeholder
Subscriber Selects categories for pager notification, reads content on web site, reads targeted advertising on web site. Self-represented.
Advertiser Obtains advertising delivery information from the system to follow-up or track hits. Self-represented.
Editor Places content onto the web site, identifies categories in which the content belongs. Self-represented

User environment

Individuals will receive pages via alphanumeric pagers or cellular phones when an event occurs in there area of interest. At their leisure, they will connect to the web site and view their content. Usage patterns are not predictable at this point, though higher volumes are anticipated during collegiate sports playoffs such as March Madness.

Users will be expected to have a device capable of receiving an alphanumeric page or message, and are expected to have a browser-enabled device for viewing content. If they have devices capable of viewing video or audio clips, this content will also be available to the user.

Advertisers will be expected to have a browser-enabled device for checking advertising usage.

Editors will require a browser-enabled device for categorizing content and/or viewing system status.

Stakeholder Profiles

Description Individual who pays to receive pages and custom content related to specific collegiate sports categories.
Type Primary user
Responsibilities Primary consumer of the services and content offered by .
Success Criteria Ability to define a profile of news, and be notified of breaking news in specified interest areas.
Involvement Provides reviews of beta versions of software, provides ongoing feedback after release.
Comments / Issues None.
Description Individual who provides targeted content for viewing by specified market segment, and who checks viewing patterns of the advertising content.
Type Expert user.
Responsibilities Review requirements and User Interface designs.
Success Criteria Ability to specify target market segment to view specific content, and to verify that the content has been viewed.
Involvement Requirements Reviewer.
Deliverables Usage/viewing reports.
Comments / Issues None.
Description Individual who provides content to the web site and categorized it.
Type Expert user.
Responsibilities Needs to be able to quickly and easily post and categorize content, and to verify content and categories on the web site.
Success Criteria Ability to post content within 5 minutes of content availability.
Involvement Requirements Reviewer.
Deliverables None.
Comments / Issues Performance during peak usage periods may be an issue.

User Profiles

See previous section

Key Stakeholder / User Needs

Need Priority Concerns Current Solution Proposed Solutions
Specify profile High Level of granularity None (read all news to find items of interest) Allow multiple levels of selection for paging
Receive pages when news occurs High Volume levels and response time None Use tiered architecture to allow scalability
Read news targeted to areas in profile Medium None None (read all news) Provide links on web page to specific targeted news items
Target advertisements High Ability to segment market population Select advertising channels to indirectly target market segments Map advertising content delivery to profile attributes
Verify advertising delivery to gauge effectiveness Medium None None Provide reports to advertisers on number of views of advertising content

Alternatives and Competition

At this time, there is no direct competitor for this service. ESPNET Sportzone provides targeted news but does not page subscribers when particular news breaks.

Product Overview Top of page

Product Perspective

This product will leverage WebNewsOnLine's existing lead in collegiate sports news, but will present a user interface via a separate system. Graphically, the system may be viewed as follows:

Summary of Capabilities

Table 1 - Collegiate Sports Paging System Features

Customer Benefit Supporting Features
Subscriber can specify which news they which to receive Profile capability within system
Subscriber can read only that news in which they have interest Customized dynamic web pages for each subscriber, with links to stories on which they have been paged
Advertisers can target content Advertising delivery based on subscriber profiles
No new content required Link to existing web-based sports content

Assumptions and Dependencies

Existing content is assumed to be available for viewing on the web site. Integration of current content with the new web site is required in order for collegiate sports information to be made available in a timely manner.

Cost and Pricing

Subscription rates are initially target at $15 per subscriber per year. With only 200,000 subscribers this will generate $3M in revenues per year, which is more than enough to cover incremental cost of the system. Advertisers will pay additional fees (initially targeted at 5% higher than normal) for access to defined target populations.

Licensing and Installation

N/A. All custom software is server-based and owned by WebNewsOnLine.

Product Features Top of page

These will be provided during the Elaboration phase of the project.

Constraints Top of page

The system must be available by March 2000.

The system must not cost more than $2M per year to operate.

The system must utilize existing sports content on WebNewsOnLine's web site.

Quality Ranges Top of page

None specified.

Precedence and Priority Top of page

  1. The system must be available by March 2000.
  2. The system must utilize existing sports content on WebNewsOnLine's web site.
  3. The system must not cost more than $2M per year to operate.

Other Product Requirements Top of page

Applicable Standards

The system must comply with existing web standards (HTML, Java, TCP/IP, etc.).

System Requirements

None specified.

Performance Requirements

The system must send a page to a subscriber within 5 minutes of new content being posted to the site.

The system must be able to handle 200,000 subscribers.

Environmental Requirements

None specified.

Documentation RequirementsTop of page

User Manual

None required – the system must be sufficiently easy to use that a user manual is not required.

Online help

Context-specific and general help will be available for all functions within the system.

Installation Guides, Configuration, Read Me File

An installation manual will be provided. In addition, a formal Knowledge Transfer plan will be developed to ensure that staff are capable of maintaining the system moving forward.

Labeling and Packaging

Not applicable.

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