Process Engineer Toolkit > User's Guide > Working with Project Webs > Preparing for Publication


This Toolkit page describes how to regenerate the index, the search database, and the site map after your project Web or the Rational Unified Process (RUP) has been modified in some way.  Each step in this Toolkit page applies to your project Web only if you have chosen to use the associated tool.


  1. Generating a New Search Database
  2. Generating an Index
  3. Generating a Site Map

Read the System Requirements to understand what you need to do before you start using these tools.

1. Generating a New Search Database To top of page

After modifying pages in the RUP, (or your project Web if your site uses the Search Engine), then you should regenerate the search database, a file called in the applet folder.

  1. Locate the folder "devkit/rupuse/search/". (See the Toolkit: Rational Unified Process Directory Structure, if necessary.) It contains the following files.
File Comments
searchexclude.htm Keywords that should be excluded from the search database. This is important in order to get a compact database.
searchresponse.txt Configuration file to the search engine.
searchengine.bat To execute on Windows 95/NT.
searchengine.unix To execute on Unix.
searchenginehelper.bat To execute on Windows 95/NT. Will generate a file called toc.htm in the current folder.
searchenginehelper.unix To execute on Unix. Will generate a file called toc.htm in the current folder.
  1. On Windows platform: Execute the "searchenginehelper.bat".
    On Unix: Run the command "source searchenginehelper.unix".
    This step will create a file called "toc.htm" in the current folder.
  2. On Windows platform: Execute the "searchengine.bat".
    On Unix: Run the command "source searchengine.unix".
    This step will create two files "" and "searchdb.html", and place them in the folder "applet/".
  3. You are ready to browse the RUP.
    You can remove the file "toc.htm" that was created in step 2.
    You can also remove the "searchdb.html" that was created in the previous step. These two files serves no purpose.

For detailed information, see the search application documentation.

2. Generating an Index To top of page

When you click the Index button in the RUP, a new window is opened with an index to the Web site. This index has been automatically generated by an application which has extracted keywords from all files in the RUP. You may have a similar index for your project Web if you have used the KeyWordIndex application.

  1. Locate the folder ("devkit/rupuse/keywordindex/" in the RUP).
Files Comments
keywordconfig.txt The configuration file with parameters to the KeyWordMap.exe.
keywordmap.bat To execute KeyWordmap.exe on Windows 95/NT.
keywordmap.unix To execute KeyWordmap.exe on Unix.
keywordpostamble.txt Contains HTML code that will be placed last in the resulting index file.
keywordpreamble.txt Contains HTML code that will be placed first in the resulting index file.
keywords.txt Contains internal references within the index.
  1. On Windows platform: Execute the "keywordmap.bat" file.
    On UNIX: Run the command "source keywordmap.unix".
    This step will generate three new files "index.htm", "navig.htm", and "contents.htm", and place them in the folder "index" where the RUP is installed.
  2. You are ready to browse the RUP.

Add, Remove, or Modify Internal Links

If you want to add, remove, or modify the internal links within the index, edit the file keywords.txt. How to do this and what syntax to use is described in KeyWordIndex documentation, section Internal Index References File.

Add New Keywords

Adding new keywords in files is described in KeyWordIndex documentation, section Define Keywords in an HTML file.

Customize Index

If you want to customize the index, its layout, and so on, see KeyWordIndex documentation, section Configuration File.

3. Generating a Site Map To top of page

There is a Site Map in the RUP that contains links to all pages in the RUP. You can create a similar Site Map for your project Web (see SiteMap documentation).   The Site Map is automatically generated by running the SiteMap.bat.

  1. Locate the folder containing the SiteMap files (called "devkit/rupuse/sitemap/" in the RUP). It has the following contents:
Files Comments
sitemap.bat To execute SiteMap.exe on Windows 95/NT.
sitemap.unix To execute SiteMap.exe on Unix.
sitemapdef.txt Configuration file with parameters to SiteMap.exe. This file controls the layout of the result.
sitepostamble.txt Contains HTML code that will placed last in the resulting Site Map.
sitepreamble.txt Contains HTML code that will placed first in the resulting Site Map
  1. On Windows platform: execute the "sitemap.bat".
    On UNIX: run the command "source sitemap.unix".
    This step will create a new file "sitemap/sitemap.htm" in the installed RUP.
  2. You are ready to browse the RUP.

caution.gif (138 bytes) The file "tree_sitemap.dat" (this file is in the "applet" folder") is used as input by the SiteMap application. If you change the "tree.dat" (or any menu files referenced by "tree.dat"), you have to do corresponding changes in the "sitemapdef.txt" file, which  controls the layout of the Site Map. For example, if you add a new entry in the "tree.dat" file that should be on the top in one of the cells in the generated Site Map, then you have to modify the "sitemapdef.txt". See SiteMap documentation, section "The Layout of the Site Map".

To customize the Site Map, its layout, and so forth, see SiteMap documentation for details.


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