Tool Mentors > Rational QualityArchitect Tool Mentors > Implementing an Automated Component Test using Rational QualityArchitect


This tool mentor provides an overview of the four primary unit testing tasks performed with Rational QualityArchitect:

  • Unit Testing
  • Scenario Testing
  • Stub Generation
  • EJB Session Recording

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A development process that puts off testing until all components can be assembled into a completed system is a risky proposition. Defects found so late in the lifecycle will be more difficult to fix and more likely to cause serious schedule delays, particularly if they are architectural problems that may require an extensive redesign to correct.

Even if a team has reasonably high confidence in the quality of its system's components, the overall confidence of the system can still be unacceptably low. For example, consider a simple system comprised of five components, each of which is rated (either by test coverage metrics or by less quantitative methods) to be 95% reliable. Because system reliability is cumulative, the overall rating is 95% x 95% x 95% x 95%x 95%, or just over 77%. Whereas the potential for problems in any one component may be just 1 in 20, for the overall system it approaches 1 in 4—and that's for a system with relatively few components.

In contrast, a development process that incorporates component testing throughout an iterative development process offers several significant advantages:

  • Problems can be found and fixed in an isolated context, making them not only easier to repair, but also easier to detect and diagnose.
  • Because testing and development are tightly coupled through the lifecycle, progress measurements are more believable—progress can now be viewed in terms of how much of the project is coded and working, not just coded.
  • Disruptions to the schedule caused by unforeseen problems are minimized, which makes the overall schedule more realistic and reduces project risk.

Although there are tremendous benefits to early testing, the practice is far from commonplace especially when it comes to testing middle-tier, GUI-less components.

Why? Because it's time-consuming and tedious, and in the past the costs of overcoming these practical issues have frequently outweighed the benefits. Also, since most tests are tailored for a particular component, there's little opportunity for re-use. Many organizations recognize the wastefulness of building test harnesses and stubs from scratch, using them, and then throwing them away project after project. They prefer to focus their limited resources in other areas.

With QualityArchitect, early testing truly becomes feasible because test harnesses and stubs are generated automatically: not just once, but incrementally as the model evolves throughout development. The entire development process becomes more structured, measured, and visible as results from component tests facilitate stronger entry criteria to prevent premature system testing. QualityArchitect enables developers to focus on the creative aspects of defining tests, so they can spend time thinking about the best way to exercise a component, instead of writing and debugging test drivers and stubs. Developers and architects work closely together with the shared visual models, so they naturally develop a more productive relationship with each other.

This tool mentor is applicable when running Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0.

Tool Steps

This tool mentor covers these main tasks associated with implementing an automated component test using QualityArchitect:

  1. Prerequisite steps for unit testing
  2. Implement a unit test
  3. Implement a scenario test
  4. Create a stub component
  5. Use EJB Session Recorder

1.   Prerequisite steps for unit testing To top of page

To generate any tests using QualityArchitect, whether they're for COM of EJB components, a Rational Project must be created and configured using the Rational Administrator. This project must contain a Test Datastore to hold all of the testing assets, such as test results and datapools. This is described in Tool Mentor: Configuring Projects Using Rational Administrator.

2.   Implement a unit test To top of page

The objective of a unit test is to validate that a given operation on a given component provides the correct return value for a given set of inputs. Unit tests are created off of the class specification in the logical view. The process of creating and executing a unit test is comprised of three steps:

  • Generating unit test code
  • Generating unit test data
  • Executing the test and examining the results

Generating unit test code

The unit test code contains all instructions necessary to instantiate the component, call the operation under test, and examine the returned result against a baseline.

For COM components
  1. Select the operation to test under the component interface in the Logical View.
  2. Right-click on the operation listed under the component's interface and select Rational Test > Generate Unit Test. If prompted, during this process you may have to log into a Rational Project.

QualityArchitect generates Visual Basic 6 compatible code as output from this process.

From Visual Basic, you need to first attempt to compile the code. Any compilation errors need to be examined. Under certain circumstances, QualityArchitect will not be able to generate code to test operations that make extensive use of complex datatypes. When this is the case, QualityArchitect will insert invalid code, which at compile time will highlight the segments of code where manual coding is required. Once the code compiles, you can proceed to the next step, Generating unit test data.

For EJB components
  1. Select the operation to test from the remote interface in the Logical View.
  2. Right-click on the operation and select Rational Test > Select Unit Test Template.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate template for your EJB server. For WebSphere, select the websphere_remote.template in the EJB\WebSphere\Business Methods folder. For Web Logic, select the weblogic_remote.template in the EJB\Web Logic\Business Methods folder.
  4. Select Rational Test > Generate Unit Test. If prompted during this process, you may have to log into a Rational Project. 

QualityArchitect will generate Java code as the output from this process.

You can use the IDE or editor of your choice to examine the Java code. Rational Rose ships with the R2 editor, which can be used for this purpose.

Once in your editor, you can first attempt to compile the code. Any compilation errors need to be examined. Under certain circumstances, QualityArchitect will not be able to generate code that makes extensive use of complex datatypes. When this is the case, QualityArchitect will insert invalid code that will not compile to flag lines of code where manual coding will be required. Once the code compiles, you can proceed to the next step, Generating unit-test data.

Generating unit-test data

The true measure of a successful unit test is the test data. The test code itself is completely disposable, as QualityArchitect can regenerate the code at any point in time. While QualityArchitect can create the test code, it cannot create meaningful test data. This is the responsibility of the analyst or the implementer. Care should be taken to create test data that validates representative positive and negative tests. Test data that focuses on the boundary conditions of the component's logic are excellent candidates for unit test data.

For COM components
  1. Select the operation to test under the component's interface in the Logical View.
  2. Right-click on the operation and select Rational Test > Create Datapool.
  3. Once you've selected Create Datapool, a Datapool Properties dialog displays. At this point, you can either select Edit Datapool Data to begin entering data or select Define Datapool Fields to have QualityArchitect generate test data for you.
For EJB components
  1. Select the operation to test from the remote interface in the Logical View.
  2. Right-click on the operation listed under the remote interface and select Rational Test > Create Datapool.
  3. Once you've selected Create Datapool, a Datapool Properties dialog displays. At this point, you can either select Edit Datapool Data to begin entering data or select Define Datapool Fields to have QualityArchitect generate test data for you.
Working with Datapools

If you select Define Datapool Fields, you'll have the ability to use QualityArchitect's test data generation capabilities. QualityArchitect can generate various types of generic data, which are specified in the datatypes drop-down list in the Type field. 

When you've selected the appropriate types, select the number of rows to generate and click Generate Data. It's quite likely that QualityArchitect will not be able to generate all of the data for you. As an example, QualityArchitect will be able to generate a generic list of U.S. cities, but will not have the ability to generate a list of valid, system-specific invoice numbers for an ordering system. This data must be manually entered as a datatype or directly entered into a datapool. The value of creating a datatype with custom data is that QualityArchitect, from that point on, will be able to generate this type of data from the Define Datapool Fields interface. If you enter the data directly into the datapool, it will only be available to that specific datapool.

When you select Edit Datapool Data, you'll directly enter in meaningful test data. There is one field for each argument, as well as one field for an expected return and one field for an expected error. When you specify an error, both error number and textual error messages are valid entries. If you operation requires a complex object as an argument, or if it should return a complex object, you won't be able to insert that object reference in the datapool. Instead, break the object down to the simple argument types required to construct an instance of the object. Use the Insert Before and Insert After buttons to add fields to the datapool for this purpose. You'll have to modify the test code to construct an instance of the object with the data provided.

Executing the test and examining the results

Once you've created both the test code and the test data, you're ready to run your test. You can run your test from the IDE or schedule the test in a TestManager Suite. See Tool Mentor: Executing a Test Suite using Rational TestManager for more information on this topic.

  1. As the test begins to run, you are prompted to provide a location for the test log results. Once you specify a location, TestManager takes places the results of the test run in there.
  2. At the end of the run, TestManager displays the Test Log. To view the results of your test, select the Detailed View tab of the Log Viewer window. Expand the tree view of the results to see the details of the test run. Further information can be accessed by right-clicking on any line and selecting Properties.

3.   Implement a scenario test To top of page

The objective of a scenario test is to validate that a given series of operations across a given series of components combine to correctly perform a collective task. Scenario tests are created from interaction diagrams, specifically sequence and collaboration diagrams. The process of creating and executing a unit test is comprised of these three steps:

  • Generating scenario test code
  • Generating scenario test data
  • Executing the test and examining the results

Generating scenario test code

The scenario test code will comprise all of the test driver code necessary to instantiate the components, call the operations under test, and evaluate the results of these operations using verification points. Verification points are a mechanism by which the test code can run SQL statements against a database to verify proper manipulation of the underlying data.

For EJB components
  1. Select the collaboration diagram in the browser.
  2. Right-click on the diagram and select Rational Test > Select ScenarioTest Template.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate template for your EJB server. For WebSphere, select the websphere_scenario.template in the EJB\WebSphere\Scenario folder. For Web Logic, select the weblogic_scenario.template in the \EJB\Web Logic\Scenario folder.
  4. Open the given sequence or collaboration diagram that models the scenario under test. It's important that the messages to the components be specified for the components on the diagram that will be tested. Messages are specified by double-clicking on the message line and specifying a name in the droop-down list box on the General tab. The name needs to correspond to the operation being tested. Further, these specifications can be modified to include test case data.

    As an example, by default, Rose will expose the message specification as:
    getTransactions(customerID : String)

    This specification can be modified to include a single data case as follows:
    getTransactions(customerID : String="BBryson")

    For every scenario test, QualityArchitect automatically generates a datapool for test case data. The data in the diagram will be populated in the first row. You can add additional rows from this point on.
  5. To begin the test, right-click on the diagram in the browser and select Rational Test > Generate Scenario Test. If you're prompted to log into your project, do so. 
  6. A dialog displays to prompt you to select the scenario test targets. Select all of the components on the diagram that will take part in the test. For each component selected, the corresponding operation specified in that component's message will be invoked. 
For COM components
  1. Open the given sequence or collaboration diagram that models the scenario under test. It's important that the messages to the components be specified for the components on the diagram that will be tested. Messages are specified by double-clicking on the message line and specifying a name in the droop-down list box on the General tab. The name needs to correspond to the operation being tested. Further, these specifications can be modified to include test case data.

    As an example, by default, Rose will expose the message specification as:
    getTransactions(customerID : String)

    This specification can be modified to include a single data case as follows:
    getTransactions(customerID : String="BBryson")

    For every scenario test, QualityArchitect automatically generates a datapool for test case data. The data in the diagram will be populated in the first row. You can add additional rows from this point on.
  2. To begin the test, right-click on the diagram in the browser and select Rational Test > Generate Scenario Test. If you're prompted to log into your project, do so. 
  3. A dialog displays to prompt you to select the scenario test targets. Select all of the components on the diagram that will take part in the test. For each component selected, the corresponding operation specified in that component's message will be invoked. 
Verification points

For each operation that will be invoked and again at the end of the test, you'll be prompted to insert a verification point. Verification points are used by QualityArchitect to validate that the operations took place correctly. Although the verification point architecture is open and extensible, currently only the database verification point is implemented. The database verification point allows you to enter some SQL to run a query. The query created will be executed at test time to validate the correct manipulation of the database by the component. 

Help icon You can implement your own verification points, using the steps found in QualityArchitect online Help.

  1. Select Yes to insert a verification point.
  2. Select the appropriate type of verification point to insert. Unless you've implemented your own verification points, you must select the Database VP.
  3. You are presented with a Query Builder, which you'll use to establish the connection parameters to your database and build the query that will be executed to validate the correct functioning of the operation being invoked. Basic knowledge of the underlying database and SQL syntax is necessary to establish this connection and to create this query.

The code necessary to instantiate all components, call all operations, and run the inserted verification points is output at this stage.

Generating scenario test data

For every scenario test generated, QualityArchitect automatically creates a datapool to contain the test data. If there was data specified in the diagram, then the first row of this datapool will already be populated with that information, as well as the information relating to any inserted verification points. If not, the datapool will contain only information relating to verification points.

To view and edit this information, follow these steps:

  1. From Rose, select Tools > Rational Test > Toolbar.
  2. On the Toolbar, select the second toolbar item to edit your datapool. QualityArchitect will have created a datapool that contains the name of the scenario diagram, which ends with a _D. The algorithm used to name the datapool is sufficiently complex that it's too difficult to predict every datapool's name in this documentation.

To edit this data, follow the same basic steps outlined in Working with datapools.

Executing the test and examining the results

Once you've created both the test code and the test data, you're ready to run your test. You can run your test from the IDE or schedule the test in a TestManager Suite. See Tool Mentor: Executing a Test Suite using Rational TestManager for more information on this topic.

  1. As the test begins to run, you are prompted to provide a location for the test log results. Once you specify a location, TestManager takes places the results of the test run in there.
  2. At the end of the run, TestManager displays the Test Log. To view the results of your test, select the Detailed View tab of the Log Viewer window. Expand the tree view of the results to see the details of the test run. Further information can be accessed by right-clicking on any line and selecting Properties.

For verification points, no Pass or Fail indication is given on the first run, which is used to capture a snapshot of the query results to be used as baseline data for future test runs.

Double-click on the verification points to display a comparator that presents the results of the query. These results can be edited, so if the query didn't return the correct results, you can modify this data. All subsequent runs of this test will compare their query results to those captured in this first run.

4.   Create a stub component To top of page

Often the components being tested in a unit or scenario test rely on other components to complete their tasks. Problems arise when these secondary components are not operational. Sometimes they're still in development; sometimes they're buggy. Regardless, testing the primary component doesn't have to be halted until the secondary components become available. Instead a stub or temporary component can replace any non-operational components for testing purposes. The stub doesn't implement the functionality of the real component; it merely reacts to inputs. Stubs return a programmed response for a given set of values without implementing any logic. It's a simple stimulus response relationship.

QualityArchitect can easily create stubs for both COM and EJB components. These stubs rely on lookup tables to replicate the business logic of the components they're replacing. The table, implemented as a datapool, determines what the returned value should be for a given set of inputs.

The process of creating and deploying a stub is made up of these three steps:

  • Generating a stub component
  • Generating a stub lookup table
  • Deploying the stub

Generating a stub component

When you generate a stub, you must generate a complete component. The, for the operations being stubbed, you need to create a lookup table. A stubbed component, which contains stub code for all operations of that component, is the output of the stub generation process. You cannot stub a single operation.

For Com components
  1. Select the component interface in the Logical View.
  2. Right-click on the interface and select Rational Test > Generate Stub. You are prompted for the location of where you want to place the generated stub code. Select this location and the code will be generated.
For EJB components
  1. Select the bean implementation class in the Logical View. 
  2. Right-click on the class and select Rational Test > Generate Stub. You are prompted for the location of where you want to place the generated stub code. Select this location and the code will be generated.

Generating a stub lookup table

To replicate the logic of the real component, the stub must know how the real component would react when given a set of arguments. This logic is maintained in a lookup table, which specifies what value or error to return for a given set of arguments. You create one lookup table for each operation on the component that is being stubbed.

For Com components
  1. Select the operation below the component interface in the Logical View.
  2. Right-click on the interface and select Rational Test > Create Lookup Table. This displays the Datapool Properties dialog.
  3. To create this lookup table, follow the same basic steps outlined in Working with datapools. You'll use the table to specify the values or exceptions to return for a given set of arguments.
For EJB components
  1. Select the operation off of the bean implementation class in the Logical View. 
  2. Right-click on the class and select 
  3. Rational Test > Create Lookup Table. This displays the Datapool Properties dialog.
  4. To create this lookup table, follow the same basic steps outlined in Working with datapools. You'll use the table to specify the values or exceptions to return for a given set of arguments.

Deploying the stub

When the stub and lookup table have been generated, the stub must be deployed in place of the existing component. This processes is environment-specific and guidance for this task is provided under the heading in QualityArchitect online Help.

5.   Use the EJB session recorder To top of page

The EJB session recorder is a Java application that allows you to interact with live, deployed EJB components. This functionality is only available for Enterprise JavaBeans, not for COM components.

The process for using the EJB session recorder involves these steps:

  • Starting an XML recording session
  • Connecting to the EJB server
  • Creating an instance of the bean under test
  • Invoking operation on the bean
  • Inserting verification points and java code
  • Generating test code from the EJB session recording

The EJB session recorder can be used in two modes: recording and non-recording. When recording, all action taken is recorded to an XML log that the EJB session recorder will convert into executable java code. The code contains all method calls, any inserted java code, and verification points. When operating in non-recording mode, the tool will be limited to creating instances of EJBs and invoking their operations.

  1. To connect to the EJB server, you need to provide the Provider URL and the InitialContextFactory to connect to the EJB server. This information should be the same as that used by your client code to connect to the server. Default connection information for WebSphere and Web Logic can be found in the online product documentation. 
  2. When you've supplied your connection information, select Connect and you're presented with a list of beans deployed on that server. You can interact with one-to-many beans during a session, and you need to select the first bean to interact with at this point.
  3. Here you create an instance of the first bean under test. Select the appropriate creation method from the top half of the Methods window. If the create method requires specific parameters, specify them in the Parameters section. Once complete, select Invoke to create an instance of the bean.
  4. With the instance of the bean created, the EJB session recorder presents you with the various operations available on that bean. You'll see the bean's own operations in the top half of the Methods window, inherited operations in the bottom half. As a general rule, you won't be testing the inherited operations. Once you've selected the operation to test, you can supply the required parameters for this operation in the Parameters window.
  5. If the parameter is a complex object, there will be a button called New. This opens a subsequent window where you're presented with a dialog that allows you to create an instance of the required object. The window shows all constructors and the required arguments to construct an instance of the object. When you've supplied the constructor information, you need to name the object so it can be referenced later during the recording, if necessary. 
  6. There is value in assigning names to parameters if these values will be used again during the session recording. If you provide a name, QualityArchitect will be able to populate the value in any parameter field when you right-click that field.
  7. When you click Invoke, the operation is called with the provided parameters. The return value is shown in the Last Return Value field. If this value is required as the input to a subsequent call, it can be dragged and dropped into the required field. You can also right-click it when the mouse is pointing at the parameter field where the value will be inserted. To determine what values to present on the right-click menu, the EJB session recorder matches the type of the parameter to the previous types that have been used during testing. 
  8. At any point in the session, you can insert java code or verification points from the Insert menu. The verification points are the same as those used when generating scenario test code. Similarly, java code can be inserted to perform any additional processing.
  9. If you are in record mode, you can convert the XML-based recording to java code when all steps of your test are complete. Click Stop to perform this action. You are prompted to convert the XML code to java code, and you'll need to provide a session name and a script name. Java code, which you can execute to replicate the steps taken during your recording, is the output of this process. 

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