Component Diagram
Component Diagram |
component diagram shows a collection of declarative (static) model
elements, such as components, and implementation subsystems, and their
relationships. |
Component diagrams show the static structure of the implementation model. A
component diagram is presented as a collection of (static) declarative model
elements, such as components, subsystems, and their relationships, connected as
a graph to each other. Component diagrams can be organized into, and owned by
implementation subsystems, which show only what is relevant within a particular
implementation subsystem.
The following structures are suitable for illustration in component diagrams.
- Implementation subsystems and their import dependencies.
- The implementation subsystems organized in layers.
- Components (source code files) and their compilation dependencies.
- Components (applications) and their run-time dependencies.
- Important structure of components, for example to illustrate a typical use
of a component.
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