6. For More Information

Again, I urge you to consult the manual pages for your curses implementation, whether it's ncurses or a commercial vendor's. The manual pages will document any quirks, and provide complete lists of all the functions, attributes, and ACS_* characters available to you.

Because the curses API is so large, some functions aren't supported in the Python interface, not because they're difficult to implement, but because no one has needed them yet. Feel free to add them and then submit a patch.

Oliver Andrich's curses module comes with a demonstration program which displays a Life board, written by the author of this HOWTO; you may want to look at its code for more examples. If you write an interesting little program, feel free to contribute it as another demo. We can always use more of them!

The ncurses FAQ: http://www.clark.net/pub/dickey/ncurses/ncurses.faq.html

Oliver Andrich's cursesmodule: http://andrich.net/python/selfmade.html#ncursesmodule

Any other suggested references?