16.4.2 Form Objects

Form objects (returned by make_form() above) have the following methods. Each method corresponds to a C function whose name is prefixed with "fl_"; and whose first argument is a form pointer; please refer to the official FORMS documentation for descriptions.

All the add_*() methods return a Python object representing the FORMS object. Methods of FORMS objects are described below. Most kinds of FORMS object also have some methods specific to that kind; these methods are listed here.

show_form (placement, bordertype, name)
Show the form.

hide_form ()
Hide the form.

redraw_form ()
Redraw the form.

set_form_position (x, y)
Set the form's position.

freeze_form ()
Freeze the form.

unfreeze_form ()
Unfreeze the form.

activate_form ()
Activate the form.

deactivate_form ()
Deactivate the form.

bgn_group ()
Begin a new group of objects; return a group object.

end_group ()
End the current group of objects.

find_first ()
Find the first object in the form.

find_last ()
Find the last object in the form.

add_box (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a box object to the form. No extra methods.

add_text (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a text object to the form. No extra methods.

add_clock (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a clock object to the form.
Method: get_clock().

add_button (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a button object to the form.
Methods: get_button(), set_button().

add_lightbutton (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a lightbutton object to the form.
Methods: get_button(), set_button().

add_roundbutton (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a roundbutton object to the form.
Methods: get_button(), set_button().

add_slider (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a slider object to the form.
Methods: set_slider_value(), get_slider_value(), set_slider_bounds(), get_slider_bounds(), set_slider_return(), set_slider_size(), set_slider_precision(), set_slider_step().

add_valslider (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a valslider object to the form.
Methods: set_slider_value(), get_slider_value(), set_slider_bounds(), get_slider_bounds(), set_slider_return(), set_slider_size(), set_slider_precision(), set_slider_step().

add_dial (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a dial object to the form.
Methods: set_dial_value(), get_dial_value(), set_dial_bounds(), get_dial_bounds().

add_positioner (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a positioner object to the form.
Methods: set_positioner_xvalue(), set_positioner_yvalue(), set_positioner_xbounds(), set_positioner_ybounds(), get_positioner_xvalue(), get_positioner_yvalue(), get_positioner_xbounds(), get_positioner_ybounds().

add_counter (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a counter object to the form.
Methods: set_counter_value(), get_counter_value(), set_counter_bounds(), set_counter_step(), set_counter_precision(), set_counter_return().

add_input (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a input object to the form.
Methods: set_input(), get_input(), set_input_color(), set_input_return().

add_menu (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a menu object to the form.
Methods: set_menu(), get_menu(), addto_menu().

add_choice (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a choice object to the form.
Methods: set_choice(), get_choice(), clear_choice(), addto_choice(), replace_choice(), delete_choice(), get_choice_text(), set_choice_fontsize(), set_choice_fontstyle().

add_browser (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a browser object to the form.
Methods: set_browser_topline(), clear_browser(), add_browser_line(), addto_browser(), insert_browser_line(), delete_browser_line(), replace_browser_line(), get_browser_line(), load_browser(), get_browser_maxline(), select_browser_line(), deselect_browser_line(), deselect_browser(), isselected_browser_line(), get_browser(), set_browser_fontsize(), set_browser_fontstyle(), set_browser_specialkey().

add_timer (type, x, y, w, h, name)
Add a timer object to the form.
Methods: set_timer(), get_timer().

Form objects have the following data attributes; see the FORMS documentation:

Name C Type Meaning
window int (read-only) GL window id
w float form width
h float form height
x float form x origin
y float form y origin
deactivated int nonzero if form is deactivated
visible int nonzero if form is visible
frozen int nonzero if form is frozen
doublebuf int nonzero if double buffering on