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Using MS SQL

Table of Contents

Account Information

For SCE (Personal) Web Hosting

Request a MS SQL account from an RA.

Account information can viewed on your accounts page.

For DCM (Course) Web Hosting

Check your accounts page for course information.

Host Names

For SCE (Personal) Accounts

Host name: sceweb.sce.uhcl.edu

For DCM (Course) Accounts

Host name: dcm.uhcl.edu

Connecting With ASP

The connection string for the MS SQL Server is

SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(
   "user id=[your_sce_username]" +
   "password=Sce[your student ID]!!;" +
   "server=dcmweb;" +
   "Trusted_Connection=no;" +
   "database=[your database name];" +
   "connection timeout=30"

If your name is Alex Smith, with ID of 1234567, and database name c432009SmithA, then here is the connection string format:

SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(
   "user id=SmithA;" +
   "password==Sce1234567!!;" +
   "server=dcmweb;" +
   "Trusted_Connection=no;" +
   "database=c432009SmithA; " +
   "connection timeout=30"

Connecting With SQL Server Management Studio

Note: You will not be able to access the MS SQL server from the UHCL Wifi.

To access the database with SQL Server Management Studio, follow these steps.

For SCE (Personal) Web Hosting

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Type sceweb as server name. If you are off campus, use sce.uhcl.edu.
  3. Select SQL Server Authentication.
  4. For the credentials, enter the username and password as specified on the accounts page.
  5. Click Connect.

For DCM (Course) Web Hosting

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Type dcmweb as server name. If you are off campus, use dcm.uhcl.edu.
  3. Select SQL Server Authentication.
  4. For the credentials, enter the username and password as specified on the accounts page for the course.
  5. Click Connect.

Connecting With Visual Studio

Note: You will not be able to access the MS SQL server from the UHCL Wifi.

To access the database with Visual Studio, follow these steps.

For SCE (Personal) Web Hosting

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Select Tools -> Connect to Database...
  3. Type dcm.uhcl.edu as server name.
  4. Select SQL Server Authentication.
  5. For the credentials, enter the username and password as specified on the accounts page.
  6. Click OK.
  7. There should now be a new data connection in Server Explorer

For DCM (Course) Web Hosting

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Type dcm.uhcl.edu as server name.
  3. Select SQL Server Authentication.
  4. For the credentials, enter the username and password as specified on the accounts page for the course.
  5. Click OK.
  6. There should now be a new data connection in Server Explorer