Andrew Yang
Education: Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minnesota, 1993. M.S. in Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,
Minnesota, 1992. B.Ed. in Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 1983. 2002-present Associate professor of Computer Science
and Computer Information Systems, College of Science and Engineering (CSE),
University of Houston — Clear Lake (UHCL), Houston, Texas. 2013-2017 Founding director,
Cyber Security Institute, University of Houston — Clear Lake, Houston, Texas. 1999-2001 Associate professor, Computer Science Department,
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), Indiana, Pennsylvania. 1993-1999 Assistant professor (tenured in 1999), Computer
Science Department, Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), New Haven,
Connecticut. 1990-1991 Research programmer, Human Factors Research Lab, University
of Minnesota. Engaged in the research of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems. 1988-1992 Graduate assistant, University of Minnesota, Twin
Cities, Minnesota. Assisted in teaching undergraduate and graduate Computer
Science courses; Worked as an advisor for undergraduate Computer Science
students; Conducted research and development in databases, reverse software
engineering, knowledge engineering, and human-computer interface. CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professionals), certified by the International Information Systems Security
Certification Consortium, or (ISC)2, since 1/2014. ·
Honors &
Awards University Faculty Fellowship, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2013 –2014. “University
Faculty Fellowship is the highest award given to university faculty at
UH-Clear Lake. Its purpose is "to recognize faculty for their
substantial, outstanding, and continuing contributions to their professions
in the areas of teaching and educational activities; research, scholarly, or
artistic activities; and/or service to the university, professional
organizations, and the community.” (http://prtl.uhcl.edu/portal/page/portal/PRV/Office_of_the_Provost/Faculty-Staff-Information/University-Faculty-Fellowships) NASA Silver Achievement Medal, NASA, 2014. “This
prestigious NASA Silver Achievement Medal is awarded to Government and
non-Government individuals or teams by NASA Center Directors for a stellar achievement
that supports one or more of NASA's Core Values, when it is deemed to be
extraordinarily important and appropriate to recognize such achievement in a
timely and personalized manner.” (http://nasapeople.nasa.gov/awards/nasamedals.htm) Featured in the Bay Area Houston Communities for the Change magazine, November
2013, pp. 58-61: Carla Medlenka, “UHCL Cyber Security
Institute Thwarts Crime Online - Holiday shopping advice plus education and
awareness for all”. Featured in the CITIZEN (Bay Area), April 2013: “UHCL
Cyber Security Institute hosts Cyber Security Collaboration Forum”. ·
Selected Publications Yang, T. Andrew, Joshy Nagendra, Rojas
Ernesto, Anumula Sruthi, and Moola Jhansi, “Virtualization and Data Center
Design”, Global Journal on Technology,
Issue 9, 2015, pp. 36-54. Mann, Arti, Wei Wei, Ravi Badana, Tong
Zhang, and T. Andrew Yang, “Use Cases and Development of Software Defined
Networks in OpenStack”, Proceedings of
the 2015 International Symposium on Advanced Topics on Information
Technologies and Applications (ITA 2015). Liverpool, England. 2015. T.
Andrew Yang, Radu Vlas, Alan Yang, and Cristina Vlas. “Risk
Management in the Era of BYOD - The Quintet of Technology Adoption, Controls,
Liabilities, User Perception, and User Behavior”. Proceedings of the 5th ASE/IEEE International Conference on
Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust. Alexandria, VA, USA. September
2013. T.
Andrew Yang and Alan Yang. “Risk Management in the Era of
BYOD - The Quartet of Technology, Controls, Liabilities and User Perception”. Accepted to be presented in
the Workshop on Risk Perception in IT Security and Privacy, July 24-26, 2013,
Newcastle, UK. Alan Yang, Liwen Shih, and T. Andrew
Yang. “Telesurgical System: Threat Analysis and Security Design”. Proceedings of the IEEE HIC2012 Conference,
2012, pp. 183-186. Thomas Arnold and T. Andrew Yang.
“ROOTKIT ATTACKS AND PROTECTION - A Case Study of Teaching Network Security”,
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 26 Issue 5, May 2011,
Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, USA, pp. 112-129. Dan J. Kim and T. Andrew Yang. "A New Approach for
Collaborative Knowledge Management: A Unified Conceptual Model for
Collaborative Knowledge Management". Proceedings
of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2010,
August 12-15, 2010. Bo Sun, Lawrence Osborne, and T.
APPLICATIONS FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK EDUCATION”. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 25, Issue 4 (April 2010), Consortium for
Computing Sciences in Colleges, pp. 104-111. T. Andrew Yang, Vishal S. Jadhav,
Darshan Chipade, and Bo Sun. “Web 2.0
as an Enabler of Developing Open Content Online Hypertextbooks”. Proceedings of the 12th IASTED
International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education,
(Ed.) V. Uskov. Nov. 22-24, 2009, pp. 198-205. Bo Sun, Lawrence Osborne, and T.
NETWORKS”. Proceedings of the 12th
IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in
Education, (Ed.) V. Uskov. Nov. 22-24, 2009, pp. 231-238. Naik, Ninad, Dan J. Kim, T. Andrew
Yang, Kwok-Bun Yue, and Hisham Al-Mubaid, “Critical Factors Influencing the
Service Quality of Information Systems: An Organizational View”, Proceedings of the AMCIS (Americas
Conference on Information Systems). 2009. Sun, Bo, Guanhua Yan, Yang Xiao, and
T. Andrew Yang, “Self-propagating mal-packets in wireless sensor networks:
Dynamics and defense implications”, Ad Hoc
Networks, Volume 7,
Issue 8. Elsevier. November 2009, pp. 1489-1500. Yang, T. Andrew, Dan J. Kim, Tri Vu,
and Vishal Dhalwani, "Capturing Online Collaboration in the Design
Elements Model for Web 2.0 and Beyond". Chapter 37 of the Handbook of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0 and
X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications, San Murugesan
(Ed.), IGI Global, 10/2009. Yang, T. Andrew, and Dan J. Kim, “A
Comparative Analysis of Online Social Networking Sites and Their Business
Models”. Chapter 38 of the Handbook of
Research on Web 2.0, 3.0 and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social
Applications, San Murugesan (Ed.), IGI Global, 10/2009. Kim, Dan J., T. Andrew Yang, and Ninad
Naik, "Online Human Activity Networks (OnHANs): An Analysis Based On
Activity Theory". Chapter 47 of the Handbook
of Research on Web 2.0, 3.0 and X.0: Technologies, Business, and Social Applications,
San Murugesan (Ed.), IGI Global, 10/2009. Sbrusch, Raymond, and T. Andrew Yang,
"Message Authentication in Surveillance Networks". Chapter 20 of Security in RFID and Sensor Networks, Yan
Zhang and Paris Kitsos (Eds.). Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, 4/2009. Sun, Bo, Yang Xiao, Chung Chih Li,
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, and T. Andrew Yang, “Security co-existence of wireless sensor
networks and RFID for pervasive computing”. Computer Communications. 31(18).
Elsevier. Dec. 2008. pp. 4294-4303. T. Andrew Yang, Deepesh Jain, and Bo
NETWORKS”. Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges. 2008. (local
copy) T. Andrew Yang and Dinesh
Reddy Gudibandi. “Teaching wireless sensor networks by incorporating
reorganization algorithms into the labs”. Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 23 Issue 4. Consortium for Computing Sciences in
Colleges. April 2008. (local copy) Ryan Seifert and T. Andrew
Yang. “Integrated file-level cryptographical access control”. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 23 Issue 4. Consortium for
Computing Sciences in Colleges. April 2008. (local copy) Yang, T.A., Kim,
D.J., Dhalwani, V., and Vu, T.K. "The 8C Framework as a Reference Model
for Collaborative Value Webs in the Context of Web 2.0". Proceedings of the Hawaii International
Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-41). 2008. http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/research/580yang%20HICSS-41.pdf T.
Andrew Yang, Dan J.
Kim, and Vishal Dhalwani. “Social Networking as a New Trend in e-Marketing”. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference on Research and Practical
Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIT 2007). 2007. http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/research/EM2I'07final.pdf Tran, Sam Phu Manh, and T.
Andrew Yang. “OCO:
Optimized Communication & Organization for Target Tracking in Wireless
Sensor Networks”. Proceedings of
the IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and
Trustworthy Computing (SUTC2006).
Taichung, Taiwan. 6/5-7, 2006. (local
copy) Yang, T. Andrew, and Tuan Anh Nguyen. “Network
security development process: a framework for teaching network security
courses”. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 21 (4), April
2006, Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. (local copy) Tran, Sam Phu Manh, and T.
Andrew Yang. “Evaluations
of Target Tracking Methods in Wireless Sensor Networks”. Proceedings
of the 37th ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE
2006). Houston, Texas. 3/1-5, 2006. (local copy) Sadasivam, Karthik, Vishal Changrani,
and T. Andrew Yang. “Scenario Based Performance Evaluation of Secure Routing
in MANETs”. Proc. of the Second Int.
Workshop on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Interoperability Issues (MANETII’05),
in conjunction with the Int. Conf. on Wireless Networks (ICWN'05). 2005. (local copy) Karthik Sadasivam and T. Andrew Yang.
of Certificate-Based Authentication in Mobile
Ad Hoc Networks”. Proceedings of the IASTED International
Multi-Conference on Networks and Communication Systems (NCS 2005), 4/2005. Security in Wireless Local Area
Networks. A book chapter included in Handbook of Wireless Local Area
Networks: Applications, Technology, Security, and Standards, CRC Press, 2005. Karthik Sadasivam, Banuprasad Samudrala, T. Andrew Yang. “Design of
Network Security Projects Using Honeypots”. Journal
of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol. 20, Issue 4. April 2005. (local copy) Design of Distributed Computer
Security Lab Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. Volume 20,
Issue 1. October 2004. Yue, K.,
Yang, T.A., Ding, W. & Chen, P. “Open Courseware and
Computer Science Education”. Journal of Computing Sciences in
Colleges. Volume 20, Issue 1. October 2004. Yue, K.,
Yang, T.A., Ding, W. & Chen, P. “A
model for open content communities to support effective learning and teaching”.
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Web-based Communities
2004, pp 533-536, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2004. 802.11b Performance Evaluation The
Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS,
INTERNET, & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (CIIT 2003) “A Web-Based Application Development Course for the Computing Curricula 2001/NC3 Track”, T. Andrew Yang and Ralph F. Grove, accepted to be published in the Proceedings of the 11th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), 5/2002. “Integration
of Computer Simulation and Visualization Research into Undergraduate Degree
Programs”, T. A. Yang, Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation
Conference, 12/2001. “Distributed Multimedia Application for Integrated Scientific Simulation and Visualization”, T. A. Yang, and Y. Sun, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS) , 9/2001. “Development
of a Web-based Visualization System for Scientific Simulation”, T. A. Yang,
Z. Cross, and S. MacMaster, Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Multimedia and Exposition (ICME) , 2001. “Development
of a Distributed Visualization System for Neural Network Simulation”, T. A.
Yang, Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS (International Neural Networks Society)
International Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2001. “Computer
Security & Impact on Computer Science Education”, T. A. Yang, Journal
of Computing in Small Colleges , CCSC ( Consortium of Computing for Small Colleges) , 2001. “Performance
Comparison of Database Access on the Internet – Java Servlets vs CGI”, T. A.
Yang and R. F. Grove, Proceedings of World Multi Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informics
(SCI'2000) , 2000. “Performance
Metering of Distributed Access Using Java Servlets”, A. Yang and J. Kim, Proceedings of the ADBIS ( Advances
in Databases and Information Systems )[1] Conference , 1999. “Developing
Integrated Web and Database Applications Using JAVA Applets and JDBC
Drivers”, A. Yang, J. Linn and D. Quadrato, Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGCSE ( Special Interest Group in Computer
Science Education )[1] Technical Symposium , 1998. “The
Inclusion of WWW Development into an Information Systems Curriculum”, A.
Yang, J. Linn, and D. Quadrato, Proceedings
of the World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informics
(SCI'97), 1997. “JAVA for
Web Programming”, A. Yang, Proceedings
of the 4 thSouthern
New England Science and Technology Exchange Conference , 1996. “Loose-Coupling
for Software Integration”, A. Yang, Proceedings
of the 2 nd
Southern New England Science and Technology Exchange Conference , 1994. “Multimedia
Applications Using Microsoft Excel”, B. Workman, F. Lin, and A. Yang, International Conference for Instructional
& Educational Technology , 1994. “Motion
Processing for Geographical Database Systems: Path Query Specification and
MoBiLe Files", Toneluh Andrew Yang, Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Minnesota, 1993. “MoBiLe
Files and Efficient Processing of Path Queries on Scientific Data”, S.
Shekhar and A. Yang, IEEE International
Conference on Data Engineering , 1992. “Motion in
Geographical Database Systems”, S. Shekhar and A. Yang, Proceedings of the
Symposium of Large Spatial
Databases (SSD), 1991. “Path
Planning and Evaluation in IVHS Databases”, S. Shekhar, A. Yang, etc., Proceedings
of the IEEE International
Conference on Vehicle Navigation & Information Systems , 1991. “Geographical
Databases for IVHS Management”, S. Shekhar, A. Yang, etc., Proceedings of
the International Conference on the
Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering (AATT),
1991. “Exploring
Headsup Displays for Driver Workload Management in Intelligent Vehicle
Highway Systems”, S. Shekhar, M. Coyle, A. Yang, etc., Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications
of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering (AATT), 1991. “Human
Factors Safety Issues in Intelligent Vehicles Highway Systems”, P. Hancock,
S. Shekhar, A. Yang, etc., Bulletin of the Safety Technical Group of the
Human Factors Society , 1991. “Requirements
Specification for Expert Systems: A Case Study”, J. Slagle, W.T. Tsai, A.
Yang, etc., University of Minnesota, Computer Science Technical Report,
TR88-44, 1988. Computer
Security, Web-based Development, Wireless Applications and Development,
Database Applications, Computer Science Education Revamping a
Traditional Computer Science Program to Meet Modern-day Cybersecurity
Education Challenges: a collaborative grant award with Wei Wei, Kewei Sha, and Sadegh
Davari, National Science Foundation, 09/2017-08/2020. Module-based
Courseware and Laboratory Development for Teaching Secure Wireless Sensor
a collaborative proposal with Sadegh Davari, Bo Sun (Lamar University), and
Lawrence Osborne (Lamar), submitted to the National Science Foundation CCLI
(Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Instrumentations) program, involving the
development of wireless sensor networks courseware modules and testbed.
2007-2009. SOCO - Secure and Optimized Communication &
Organization for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks: an ARP (Advanced Research Programs) grant
proposal, submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordination Board (THECB).
2006-2008. Development
of Wireless Stations for Distributed Field Operations: a seed grant proposal with Sadegh Davari,
submitted to the Institute of Space Systems Operations (ISSO). 2004-2005. Module-Based Computer Security Courses and Laboratory for Small
and Medium Sized Universities: a collaborative proposal with
Kwok-Bun Yue, George Collins, Morris Liaw, and Ping Chen (UHD), submitted to
the National Science Foundation CCLI A&I (Adaptation &
Instrumentation) program. 2003-2006. Distributed Visualization and Mobile Security Over Wireless Networks. Faculty Research Support Fund (FRSF) ($6,300), UHCL, 2002-2003 (role: PI). Recruitment
and Retention of Minority Students in Computer Science Program, a two-year grant ($20k), with B. Oblitey, H. M.
Micco, and S. Ali, funded by the SSHE Social Equity program, 2000-2002 (role:
Co-PI). Interactive and Dynamic 3D Visualization of a Self-Trapping Neural Network (STN) on the Web , a collaborative grant ($7k) with R. Pavloski, supported by the Senate Research Committee, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2000-2001 (role: PI). Startup
Development of the SDADEUMC -- Simulated Distributed Application Development
Environment Using Multiple Configurable Protocols and Components , ($4,000), 1999-2000 CSU Research Grants (role:
PI). Setting Up a 2-node Windows/NT Network for STudents' Independent Study Projects ($3,500), 1996-1997 SCSU Computer Bond Fund (role: PI). A Heterogeneous Client-Server System Integrating Multiple Database Servers ($4,000), 1996-1997 CSU Research Grants (role: PI). Acquisition of a Microsoft Windows NT Server and an SQL Database Server for the Teaching of Courses over a Client-Server System ($3,500), 1994-1995 SCSU Computer Bond Fund (role: PI). |