Module-based Courseware and Laboratory Development for Teaching Secure Wireless Sensor Networks

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Formative Evaluations of the Initial Modules

(Last updated: 10/19/2009)


Form 1: formative evaluation of the whole set of modules

Form 2 (for individual modules):


Module 1. Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks

Module 2. Tiny OS

Module 3. Energy Management


Module 4. Radio and Medium Access Control

Module 5. Wireless Link Estimation

Module 6. Data Collection and Dissemination


Module 7. Security of Wireless Sensor Networks

Module 8. Localization and Secure Localization

Module 9. Aggregation and Secure Aggregation


To evaluate the whole set of the modules, the following instrument (Table 1) was used; the instrument is composed of four criteria and relevant evaluation questions. Based on the results and comments made by the internal evaluators, the modules were revised to remove the identified deficiencies.

Note 1: Forms 1 and 2 are to be filled out by the module developer or evaluator in order to evaluate a course module.

Note 2: For the whole set of modules, a Form 1 needs to be filled out. For each of the modules in the set, a Form 2 needs to be completed.


Table 1. Formative Evaluation For for the Whole Set of Modules

Form 1. For the whole set of modules

Topic name: Wireless Sensor Networks


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

1.       The set of modules should cover sufficient topics with respect to the chosen subject.

a)       Are the topics covered in the modules sufficiently comprehensive with respect to the subject?


This criterion is partially met as of the time the modules were initially designed in August 2008. The reason that it is challenging to 100 percent meet this criterion is because the research field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) change over time and the field of WSN consists of a broad range of advanced technologies. It usually takes a long time before a research idea is accepted by WSN research community. Moreover, it is time-consuming to develop relevant modules for a well-accepted research idea because of involved complexities. Therefore, relevant modules need constant revision based on the research progress of WSNs.

2.       The set of modules should form a structured sequence of learning units.

b)      Are the prerequisite relationships, if any, between the modules clearly defined?

This criterion is not met. There are no prerequisites for any module.

3.       The overall design of the modules should encourage collaboration among students.

c)       Are sufficient collaborative activities/projects built into the modules?

This criterion has been partially met. Many concepts and the assignments involve hands-on knowledge from TinyOS. Therefore, a lot of discussions are necessary in order for students to understand relevant concepts and to complete the assigned homework. Moreover, the group project also requires student to collaborate with each other and researchers in WSN research community.

Hands-on labs can greatly facilitate students with the understanding of WSNs. However, one weakness of the designed modules is that there are not enough hands-on labs.

4.       The design of the modules should consider students with diversified capabilities and strengths.

d)      Are the modules designed in such as a way that students may tackle modules of various level of difficulty?

This criterion has been met. The design of all the modules consists of basic concepts which require little background knowledge, intermediate concepts which suit the background of most students, and advanced concepts which are open topics in WSN research community.

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Note: For each of the modules in the set, a Form 2 needs to be completed.

For each of the modules, another instrument (Tables 2.1 – 2.9) was developed to formatively evaluate the module. Six criteria and a set of relevant evaluation questions were applied to each individual module to ensure that each module is a self-contained, easy to adopt teaching unit. After the formative evaluation, each module is revised according to the evaluation results.

Table 2.1. Formative Evaluation for Module 1

1.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   

Module 1: Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

1.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)       Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been met. This module consists of the detailed description of representative hardware, software, and their configurations. An environment about how to program sensor nodes is also introduced.

f) This criterion has been met.

1.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module introduces WSNs, their components, and high-level architecture to build a WSN.

However, this module lacks specific learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. To answer questions in assignment 1, students need to read relevant tutorials and posted papers and program sensor nodes. This set of activities can greatly facilitate student understanding of WSNs.

However, there are not enough hands-on labs for this module. Moreover, this module lacks specific learning objectives.

1.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. This module involves high-level concepts of WSNs. The posted tutorials are self-explanatory.

1.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. The first part of this module introduces the basic concepts of WSNs which requires little background knowledge. It also introduces popular hardware and the practical application development. The second part of this module introduces current WSN protocol architecture. This is fundamental to WSNs.

1.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

1.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

l) This criterion has been met. This module provides a basic introduction to WSNs. Therefore, this module can be adopted by an instructor teaching Computer Networks as an extended example of computer networks.

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Table 2.2. Formative Evaluation for Module 2

2.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 2: TinyOS


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

2.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)       Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been met. This course module has details about how to configure representative sensor nodes.

f) This criterion as been met.

2.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module first introduces the architecture and main characteristics of TinyOS. It then goes to the details of important components. Lastly it presents the network environment to run representative applications.

However, this module lacks specific learning objectives.

h)     This criterion has been partially met. The content in this module covers the fundamental and practical aspects of TinyOS. The accompanied assignments provide students with ample opportunities to practice with TinyOS.

However, this module lacks specific learning objectives.

2.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. This module itself is designed for intermediate students. Most concepts are accompanied with source codes from TinyOS CVS tree to facilitate student understanding of TinyOS.

2.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. This module contains content to cover the fundamental concepts of TinyOS. Many concepts are also accompanied with examples from TinyOS CVS tree.

2.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

2.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

l) This criterion has been met. This module presents a basic introduction to TinyOS and how to develop relevant applications based on TinyOS. This module itself can be used by Operating Systems instructors as an extension to lecturing traditional Operating Systems.

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Table 2.3. Formative Evaluation for Module 3

3.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 3: Energy Management


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

3.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)      Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been partially met. Energy management is an important issue in TinyOS. Unfortunately, there are not many available documents. Reading TinyOS source codes to understand the details requires the knowledge of both software and underlying hardware. This requires interdisciplinary background and turns out to be very time-consuming. We plan to integrate more tutorials into this module when available documents are available.

f) This criterion has been met.

3.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. Similar to reasons presented in e), we plan to constantly revise this module. Moreover, this module lacks specific learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. Because of the complexity of energy management, any detailed activity in this module requires complex experimental setup. For example, it is still challenging to measure energy consumption in WSNs. We pan to constantly revise this module.

Moreover, this module lacks specific learning objectives.

3.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. This module introduces the energy management issues and related device drivers in TinyOS 2. Most students should be able to complete it within 5-10 hours.

3.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been partially met. This module covers some fundamental concepts in energy management and presents a few examples about how energy management drivers are designed and implemented in TinyOS 2. Interested students can explore the source codes of TinyOS 2 to obtain more details.

However, similar to reasons presented in e), we plan to constantly revise this module

3.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

3.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

l) This criterion is not met. This module is uniquely designed for WSNs. Many concepts are based on specific hardware in WSNs. It is challenging for an instructor of different disciplines to introduce this module in a reasonable amount of time.

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Table 2.4. Formative Evaluation for Module 4

4.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 4: Radio and Medium Access Control


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

4.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)      Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion is not met. This module mainly focuses on the introduction of WSN radio properties and relevant Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. This module only briefly introduces the configuration of CC2420 – the current radio transceiver in WSNs. Hardware, software, and their configurations are not focuses of this module (They should be the focuses of Module 1 and 2). Interested students may explore the configurations themselves following the ideas introduced in this module.

f) This criterion has been met.

4.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module presents sufficient details about the radio properties of WSNs and important MAC protocols. This information is necessary for students to understand relevant concepts and protocols.

However, more MAC protocols should be introduced because their importance to WSNs. Moreover, this module lacks learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. More contents and the learning objectives should be added.

4.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been partially met. MAC protocols are traditional focuses of any computer networks. WSNs are no exception. Therefore, this module presents lots of information about MAC. Most students should be able to complete this module with 15 hours.

4.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been partially met. This module presents both fundamental and advanced concepts about WSN MAC issues. Interested students may also explore TinyOS source codes to study more implementation details.

However, the introduction of more MAC protocols should be added in this module.

4.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

4.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

I) This criterion has been met. Instructors teaching Computer Networks may use this module to teach how to design MAC protocols given the special radio properties faced by WSNs.

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Table 2.5. Formative Evaluation for Module 5

5.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 5: Wireless Link Estimation


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

5.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)      Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been partially met. This module focuses on the introduction of the motivation of wireless link estimation and how to design wireless link estimation protocols in WSNs. Software and hardware configurations are not focuses of this module (They should be the focuses of Module 1 and 2). This module, however, presents sufficient details about the protocol ideas. Interested students may explore TinyOS source codes to see how these protocols are explored.

f) This criterion has been met.

5.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module presents the details about why WSNs need wireless link estimation and how to perform wireless link estimation. These contents are enough for students to understand relevant concepts and protocols. However, this module lacks learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. This module lacks learning objectives..

5.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. Most students should be able to complete this module with 5-10 hours.

5.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. This module introduces both the basic and the advanced link estimation protocols. It also presents how TinyOS designs and implements these protocols.

5.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

5.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

I) This criterion has been met. This module can be used alone in Computer Networks class as an introduction of extended network services.

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Table 2.6. Formative Evaluation for Module 6

6.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 6: Data Collection and Dissemination


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

6.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)      Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been partially met. This module focuses on the introduction of representative data collection and dissemination protocols in WSNs. Software and hardware configurations are not focuses of this module (They should be the focuses of Module 1 and 2). This module, however, presents sufficient details about the protocol ideas. Interested students may explore TinyOS source codes to see how these protocols are explored.

f) This criterion has been met.

6.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module introduces representative and fundamental data collection and dissemination protocols in WSNs. All these are enough for students to understand relevant concepts and protocols. However, this module lacks learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. The presented contents and the assignment are sufficient for student to reach the expected learning objectives.

6.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. Most students should be able to complete this module within 5-10 hours.

6.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. This module introduces not only fundamental concepts and protocols, but also combines them with practical TinyOS implementations. Interested students can set up different applications to further explore these protocols.

6.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

6.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

I) This criterion has been met.  This module can be used alone in Computer Networks class as an introduction of extended network services.

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Table 2.7. Formative Evaluation for Module 7

7.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 7: Security of Wireless Sensor Networks


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

7.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)      Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion is not met. This module focuses on the introduction of security threats faced by WSNs and how TinySec, the standard component in TinyOS, solve these problems. Hardware, software, and their configurations should be the focuses of Module 1 and 2. This module mainly focuses on the basic ideas of WSN security. Interested students, however, may follow the presented ideas to explore TinyOS implementations.

f) This criterion has been met.

7.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module presents the unique security threats faced by WSNs and how TinySec solves these problems. All these are important for students to understand relevant concepts and protocols. However, this module lacks learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been met. The presented contents and assignment are enough.

7.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. Most students should be able to complete this module with 5-10 hours.

7.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. This module presents both fundamental knowledge and practical implementation of WSN security mechanisms.

7.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

7.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

l) This criterion has been met. Instructors teaching Computer Security can adopt this module to broaden the horizon of students.

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Table 2.8. Formative Evaluation for Module 8

8.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 8: Localization and Secure Localization


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

8.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)      Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been partially met. This module focuses on the introduction on representative localization and secure localization protocols in WSNs. Software and hardware configurations are not focuses of this module (They should be the focuses of Module 1 and 2). Currently, localization and secure localization are not yet standard components in TinyOS. We plan to revise this module when more information is available.

f) This criterion has been met.

8.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)      Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)      Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been partially met. This module introduces the fundamentals of localization and secure localization protocols in WSNs. All these are enough for students to understand relevant concepts and protocols. However, this module lacks learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. The presented contents and the assignment are sufficient for student to understand relevant concepts and protocols. However, this module lacks the expected learning objectives.

8.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)        Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. Most students should be able to complete this module within 5-10 hours.

8.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)        Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. This module introduces fundamental concepts and protocols Interested students can explore more relevant ideas.

8.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)      Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

8.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)        Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

l) This criterion has been met.  This module can be used alone in Computer Networks class as an introduction of extended network services.

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Table 2.9. Formative Evaluation for Module 9

9.      For each of the modules:

Module number and name:   Module 9: Aggregation and Secure Aggregation


Evaluation questions

Evaluation results & comments

9.1.    Sufficient details should be provided to the students in order for them to ‘execute’ the project(s) in the module.

e)       Are the required hardware, software, and their configurations clearly explained in the modules?

f)       Is the description of each module free from typos and grammatical errors?

e) This criterion has been partially met. This module focuses on the introduction of aggregation and secure aggregation protocols in WSNs. Software and hardware configurations are not focuses.

f) This criterion has been met.

9.2.    The module should be defined in such a way that the learning objectives are met once the student has satisfactorily completed the module.

g)    Does the module provide sufficient information for students to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

h)    Is the set of activities in the module sufficient to reach the anticipated learning objectives?

g) This criterion has been met. This module introduces fundamental aggregation and secure aggregation protocols in WSNs. All these are enough for students to understand relevant concepts and protocols. However, this module lacks learning objectives.

h) This criterion has been partially met. The presented contents and the assignment are sufficient for student to understand relevant concepts and protocols.

9.3.    The size of each module should be appropriate such that it could be completed within reasonable amount of time.

i)     Does the size and level of difficulty of the module allow most students to complete it within 5-10 hours?

i) This criterion has been met. Most students should be able to complete this module within 5-10 hours.

9.4.    Both fundamental and practical knowledge and skills should be addressed in a module.

j)     Does the module contain balanced materials for students to acquire both fundamental and practical knowledge and/or skills?

j) This criterion has been met. This module introduces not only the motivation, but also the details of aggregation and fundamental aggregation protocols in WSNs. Interested students can set up different applications to further explore these protocols.

9.5.    The entry requirements of a module should be clearly defined.

k)    Are the prerequisite knowledge and/or skills of the module clearly defined?

k) This criterion is not met. This module does not clearly define the prerequisite knowledge.

9.6.    When feasible, a module should be independent, meaning that it can be taught all by itself without requiring a prerequisite set of modules to be used first.

l)     Can relevant module alone (without other accompanying modules) be adopted by an instructor in his/her teaching?

l) This criterion has been met.  This module can be used alone in Computer Networks class as an introduction of extended network services.

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