Module: Introduction to Computer Security

Submodule 5: Security Administration

Network Security Policy

Created: Feb. 5, 2004
Assignment version number: Version 0.1
Author: T. Andrew Yang

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

Completion Time: 2 weeks

Progaramming involved: No


In this project, students will investigate a sample network security policy of an organization and try to revise it based on recommendations made in an article.


  1. Study the document How to develop a Network Security Policy (the article) published by the Singapore IT Security Techno Portal. The document is available at  A local copy of the document is here.
  2. Locate a copy of the Network Security Policy of an organization (the net policy).
  3. If you cannot find a copy of the net policy, proceed to step 6.
  4. Compare the net policy against the recommendations made by the article.
  5. Identify three statements in the policy that can be improved, based on the recommendations of the article.
  6. Write up a network policy based on recommendations made in the article.

