Indiana University of Pennsylvania

T. Andrew Yang 

Computer Science Department


  1. Introduction to Web Development

  1. World Wide Web as a new computing platform

  2. The client-server model

  3. The multi-tier model

  4. Sample Web applications

  5. Alternative Web development technologies

  6. Client side development

  7. Server side development

  8. Summary

  1. Curriculum Design

  1. Curriculum Design Issues

  2. A Sample Course

  3. Lessons Learned

  4. Specialty Track in Enterprise Computing


Designing and Teaching a Web Development Course


Ø  Server Side Development
  • Interpreted or executed by the server side applications, along with the Web server.

  • The result is then sent back to the Web browser.


Ö  Server Side Technologies

  • Active Server Pages

  • Java Servlets

  • Java Server Pages

  • Distributed Components-Based Technology

    CORBA, DCOM, EJB, RMI, ...


Ö  A recent testing survey at

  • Four leading dynamic scripting products were evaluated: cfm, jsp, asp, php

  • Evaluation criteria

    1. The language's API

    2. Tools

    3. Back-end connectivity

Products Strengths

ColdFusion Server (Allaire)

Exceptionally easy to use APIs;

Market-leading development tools

Tomcat (Apache Group's implementation of JSP)

Suitable for multi-tier or critical infrastructure projects;

Rich APIs provided by the JAVA language (scalability from browsers to business objects to servers)

ASP (Microsoft)

Excellent tools;

Its ubiquity on Microsoft platforms

PHP (Open Source)

Broad platform support;

Highly extensible;

Good performance;

Built from the ground up as a Web application development language


  • Issues
  1. Simplicity versus performance

  2. Manageability

  3. Scalability

  4. Fault Tolerance


Ö  Database Connections

  • JDBC: Java Database Connectivity

  • ODBC: Open Database Connectivity

  • OLE-DB

  • ADO: ActiveX Data Objects



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