T. Andrew Yang
Email: yang@uhcl.edu
Web page:  http://sce.uhcl.edu/yang/
Tel.: (281) 283-3835
Last updated: 11/04

2004  (Aug. 23 - Dec. 4)
To be accepted into the discusssion group, make sure you use a Yahoo id that contains your first and last names. 
Assignments & Projects
Class Notes, Topics & Schedule
- Print out the class notes and bring them to the class
Office Hours
Assignments Guidelines

Additional Resources:

Time :    Tuesdays 7-9:50pm

Classroom:  Delta 242

Prerequisite: This is an advanced database course.  Students taking this course are expected to have completed an undergraduate database course, such as CSCI 4333 Design of Database Systems
If you have not completed an undergraduate database course, please drop this course and take CSCI 4333 instead.

You are also expected to be fluent in the basics of the SQL language.
Please talk to the instructor if you have any concern about the pre-requisites.

Course Objectives: This class covers advanced topics in database theories, including mainly five modules: 

  1. an overview of database systems, 
  2. data modeling techniques, 
  3. the relational database model, database languages, functional dependencies and normalization, 
  4. physical database & DBMS implementation (storage and index structures, system catalog, query optimization, transaction processing, concurrency control, database recovery, security & authorization), and 
  5. advanced related topics. 
The following diagram depicts the relationship among the five modules.  It also shows other database-related courses, of which csci5333 serves as the foundation. 
Class Format:  Lectures are combined with discussions and, if applicable, student presentations and discussions of advanced topics.  Students are expected to be active participants, by studying the relevant chapters and/or research papers and participating at the in-class discussion.

Required Text:

Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 4th edition, Addison Wesley, 2004. (ISBN#: 0-321-12226-7)
+ Instructor's handout in the class and/or on the Web
+ Selected research papers:
A relational model of data for large shared data banks

E. F. Codd 
Communications of the ACM June 1970 
Volume 13 Issue 6

Comparing representations with relational and EER models

D. Batra , J. A. Hoffler , R. P. Bostrom 
Communications of the ACM February 1990 
Volume 33 Issue 2


Dr. T. A. Yang
(office) Delta 106
(phone#) (281) 283-3835 (Please leave a message if not available.)
NOTE: If the suite office is locked, you may use the phone outside the office to call the extension 3835. 
(email address) yang@uhcl.edu
Emails without a subject line or signature will be discarded.
Here is a sample subject line: "CSCI5132 project #1, question 1".
NOTE: Find the assignments and/or projects at the Assignments & Projects page.
NOTE: In addition, you are highly encouraged to send your questions to me by e-mails (yang@uhcl.edu ).You, however, are responsible for describing, in your email message, the problem(s) you have encountered, the solution(s) you have tried, and the outcome you have got from these solution(s).

Teaching Assistant:   Banuprasad Samudrala 

  • Email:       samudralab4407@uhcl.edu     
  • Office Hours: 
  • T - 5 to 9PM
    W - 4 to 7PM
    Th - 9AM to 12PM
    F - 9AM to 1PM

  • Location:      PC Lab / NT Lab 

Topics and Notes
The following schedule will be followed as much as possible, although changes are probable.  Always check with your instructor if you are not sure what would be covered next week.

wk (dates)
Topics (Chapters)
1 (8/24) I. Introduction & Review:
Syllabus, projects, etc.
Review of Database Concepts & Architecture (Ch. 1, 2)

2  (8/31) II. Data Modeling:
ER Modeling (Ch. 3)

3  (9/7)
EER Modeling, Object Modeling (Ch. 4)
III. Relational Database Model:
The Relational Data Model (Ch. 5)
Assignment 1
4  (9/14)
(E)ER-to-Relational Mapping (Ch. 7)
The Relational Algebra (Ch. 6)
Project 1 prelim report
5  (9/21)
Test 1
Test 1
6  (9/28)
SQL (Ch. 8) + SQL Tutorial Assignment 2
7  (10/5)
A short break from relational data model ...
Project 1 final report
8  (10/12)
Functional Dependencies (Ch 10)

9  (10/19)
Normalization (Ch 10)
Further Dependencies and Higher Normal Forms (Ch 11)
Project 2 prelim report
<< 10/25: last day to withdraw >>  
10  (10/26)
Test 2 Test 2
11  (11/2)
IV. Physical Database and DBMS Implementation:
File Organization (Ch. 13)

12  (11/9)
Index Structures (Ch. 14)
Assignment 3
13  (11/16)
Query Processing and Optimization (Ch. 15) Assignment 3
14  (11/23)
<no class meeting>
15  (11/30)
Transaction Processing (Ch. 17) Project 2 final report
16  (12/7)
Comprehensive final exam:
Final exam

Computer Labs & Hours

Check http://sce.uhcl.edu/computing.asp for lab information, open hours, FAQs, etc.
final exam
NOTE:  The accumulated points from all the categories determine a person's final grade. There will be no extra-credit projects.
Grading Scale:

93% or above
90% - 92%
87% - 89%
84% - 86%
80% - 83%
77% - 79%
74% - 76%
70% - 73%
59% or below
Both analytic and synthetic abilities are emphasized. Being able to apply the learned knowledge toward problem solving are also highly emphasized in the tests. 
Assignments and Late Penalty:
Assignments and projects will be posted at the class web site. Assignments & projects are due before the beginning of the class on the due day.  See Topics and Notes for the due dates. 

Points will be deducted from late assignments: 20% for the first 24 hours after the due time, 40% for the next 24 hours, 70% for the third 24 hours, and 100% after that. No extension will be granted except for documented emergency. S
tarting to work on the assignments as early as possible is always the best strategy.
NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, all assignments and projects are individual work.  Students should take caution not to violate the academic honesty policies.  See 
http://b3308-adm.uhcl.edu/PolicyProcedures/Policy.html for details.
Assignments Guidelines:
a. Identification page: All assignments must have your name, and course name/number/section number (e.g., CSCI5333-02 or CSCI5333-03) at the top of the first page.

b. Proper stapling:  Staple all the pages together at the top-left corner. NOTE: Do not use paper clips.

c. Order ! Order!  Arrange the solutions following the sequence of the questions. Write the question number at the top-right corner of each page.

d. Word  processing:  It is required that you type your reports (e.g., print them using a printer). Use a word processor and appropriate typesetting and drawing tools to do the assignments. Spell-check the whole document before printing it. You may loose points due to spelling or grammatical errors. 


The projects will involve the design and implementation of database applications and access methods.  You may use JAVA or C++ as the programming language.  Each student in the class will have access to an Oracle account.
Details of the projects will be later made available at Assignments & Projects

Attendance Policy:

You are expected to attend all classes. If you ever miss a class, it is your responsibility to get hold of whatever may have been discussed in the class.
Instructor's Notes:
  • Unless due to unexpected, documented emergency, no make-up exams will be given.  No make-up exams will be granted once the exams have been corrected and returned to the class. 
  • Important:   If you think you have lost some points due to grading errors, make sure you approach the instructor within a week after the assignment, project, or test is returned to you .  
  • To get the most out of this class, you need to read the textbooks and spend time using computers regularly.  Be prepared for a class by preview the material to be covered in that class and participate in discussions and problem-solving exercises, if applicable, in the class.
  • Due to the intensive nature of graduate classes, 15-20 hours per week are expected of students in studying the textbook/notes and working on the assignments, in addition to class attendance.   Expect to spend more hours during summer sessions.
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