Software Engineering Tools

University of Houston Clear Lake

James C. Helm, Ph.D., P.E.

The Software Engineering Tools ensure that the student increases their ability to develop a software product.  The topics on this webpage focus on the following software development principles:  Develop software iteratively; Manage software requirements; Use component-based architectures; Model software visually; Verify their software's quality; and Control changes to the software being produced.

IBM Academic Initiatives:

Shared Software Infrastructure HUB Texas A&M

A healthy dose of RUP

Give an effective presentation.

The Commercial Life Cycle.

Glossary of Rational Terms.

SWEN 5130 Requirements Engineering UML short tutorial.

Rational Tools Overview Lecture notes by Dr. Izygon and Dr. Helm

Texas A&M example TestManager Guide

Texas A&M example Test Robot Guide

Texas A&M example Purify Testing Guide

Rational Test Documents

The Testing Process Using Rational Suite TestStudio. Lectures Notes

The Testing Process Using Rational Purify.  Lectures Notes

·         Rational Robot, Rational TeamTest, Rational TestManager Installation Guide

·         Rational Robot User's Guide

·         Rational QualityArchitect User's Guide

·         Rational TestManager Extensibility Reference

·         Rational TestManager User's Guide

·         Rational Testing Products Command Line Interface to Rational Test Script Services

·         Rational Testing Products Session Recording and Script Generation Extensibility Reference

·         Rational Testing Products SQABasic Language Reference

·         Rational Testing Products Rational Test Script Services for Java

·         Rational Testing Products Rational Test Script Services for Visual Basic

·         Rational Testing Products VU Language Reference

·         Using Rational TestFactory

Rational Unified Process Lecture Notes

Case Study Registration Example

Texas A&M example Library Plan   Case Study

Beginning the Project

How to analyze the problem statement.

Rational gif showing system engineer analyzing the Project

Creating the Stakeholder Document

Creating the Vision Document


Fundementals of Requirements Management Document - html

Fundementals of Requirements Management Document - Power Point

Fundementals of Requirements Management Document - word

Rational Supplementary Specification

Rational Use Case Specification

Rational Requirements Specification


Rational Rose lecture notes by Dr. Izygon and Dr. Helm

UML Visual Modeling Rational Rose - PowerPoint version

UML Visual Modeling Rational Rose - PowerPoint version

UML Visual Modeling Rational Rose - HTML version

UML Visual Modeling Rational Rose - HTML version

Rational Rose User Guide

Rational Rose Team Development


Texas A&M example class diagram --- class diagram guide

Defect Tracking using ClearQuest. by Dr. Izygon and Dr. Helm

Rational Introduction to ClearQuest

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IBM Academic Initiatives: