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Home Outline Resources Presentations Assignments Grades Address Book Photos
1. Enter url of your personal homepage into the Online Address Book.
You can apply a SCE account to host your personal homepage if you don't have any.
2. Each group should create a homepage for your group and place it in your group folder in the dcm-server as early as possible.
The homepage must have your group number, each member's presentation id, name, photo and hyperlink to your personal homepage.
3. Assignment 1 Write your answers in a MS Word file, name the file using the format Group#.docx (e.g. Group1-A1.docx), email it to me, and give me a 2 sided, printed hard copy in class by 3/7/2019
4. Assignment 2 Write your answers in a MS Word file, name the file using the format Group#.docx (e.g. Group1-A2.docx), email it to me, and give me a 2 sided, printed hard copy in class by 4/4/2019
5. Assignment 3 Write your answers in a MS Word file, name the file using the format Group#.docx (e.g. Group1-A3.docx), email it to me, and give me a 2 sided, printed hard copy in class by 5/2/2019
Last modified:
February 28, 2019

If you need to contact Dr. Liaw you can reach him at liaw@uhcl.edu or at (281) 283-3876.