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Home Outline Resources Presentations Assignments Address Book Grades Photos  
1. Enter url of your personal homepage into the Online Address Book.
You can apply an SCE account to host your personal homepage if you don't have any.
2. Each group should create a homepage for your group and place it in your group folder in the DCM-server as early as possible.
The homepage must have your group number, each member's presentation id, name, photo and hyperlink to your personal homepage.
3. Assignment 1: Problem 3.2 & 3.3 on page 126;
the format Group#.docx (e.g. Group#-A1.docx) to name your answer file, email it to me, and give me a 2 sided, printed hard copy in class by  March 6, 2019.
4. Assignment 2: Problem 7.3 (page 242), 7.7 (page 243) & 8.2 (page 293);
Use the format Group#.docx (e.g. Group#-A2.docx) to name your answer file, email it to me, and give me a 2 sided, printed hard copy in class by May 1, 2019.


Last modified:
February 27, 2019

If you need to contact Dr. Liaw you can reach him at liaw@uhcl.edu or at (281) 283-3876.