
Background To top of page

This web site provides a template for the production of an on-line Rational Unified Process Design Guidelines artifact (see RUP Artifact: Design Guidelines).

It is made up of three self contained sections:

Each of these sections is individually scoped below.

This web is designed to seamlessly integrate into the Rational Unified Process Project Web Example and ships with a tree.dat file that can be used to integrate the Design Guidelines into any standard project web.

Style / Modeling StandardsTo top of page

The template provides a set of example standards for use in the production of object oriented analysis and design models using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the Rational Rose modeling tool. 

The standards are intended to be used in conjunction with, and are complementary to, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) online content.  To this end they have been developed to the same standards as the RUP and include links to the online RUP material. 

The standards apply to the realization of Use Cases, in the Use Case or Logical View in Rose, and the production of the Logical View in Rose.  Use Case modeling standards are not included.

Where possible the UML style guidelines for the model elements have been incorporated into the standards.  Other style guidelines have been taken from descriptions embedded in the Rational Unified Process itself and the author's own experience and prejudices.

The standards assume that the users are familiar with, and intend to use, the Analysis and Design process defined by the Rational Unified Process.

These modeling standards can be used without the adoption of the Rational Unified Process.

MechanismsTo top of page

<< To be done.>>

MappingsTo top of page

<< To be done.>>


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Copyright  © 1987 - 2001 Rational Software Corporation 

Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02