Analysis Class 
Analysis classes represent an early conceptual model for ‘things in the  system which have responsibilities and behavior’.
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Background To top of page

Analysis classes represent an early conceptual model for ‘things in the system which have responsibilities and behavior’. They eventually evolve into classes and subsystems in the Design Model.

Naming Standards To top of page

The general class naming standards apply to Analysis Classes (See Standards: Classes - General).

Boundary classes whose objects are responsible for presenting something handled in a particular entity object should have a related name. The entity class name may serve as a base, with another name added to it. For example, a boundary class Order Window is so named because its objects present the objects of the entity class Order.

General Documentation Standards To top of page

The general class documentation standards apply to Analysis Classes (See Standards: Classes - General).

Stereotypes To top of page

Stereotype Source Icon Comments
<<boundary>> RUP A boundary class is a class used to model interaction between the system's surroundings and its inner workings. Such interaction involves transforming and translating events and noting changes in the system presentation (such as the
<<control>> RUP A control class is a class used to model control behavior specific to one or a few use cases. Control objects (instances of control classes) often control other objects, so their behavior is of the co-ordinating type. Control classes encapsulate use-case specific behavior.
<<entity>> RUP An entity class is a class used to model information and associated behavior that must be stored. Entity objects (instances of entity classes) are used to hold and update information about some phenomenon, such as an event, a person, or some real life object. They are usually persistent, having attributes and relationships needed for a long period, sometimes for the life of the system.

Examples To top of page


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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02