An operation is the implementation of a service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior. 
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Background To top of page

An operation is an abstraction of something you can do to an object that is shared by all objects of that class.

In most cases specification of public and protected methods is sufficient (public - defines the external interface of the class, protected - may be used as part of an inheritance framework).   Only add private methods to the design of a class if it illustrates interesting behavior.  In general, private methods are added to aid implementation - breaking down a complex algorithm into smaller parts.  As such it is not really necessary to show this in the design.  If the designer has an idea in mind as to how to implement a method this could be added as notes at the bottom of the description.

Naming Standards To top of page

Operation names are short verbs or verb phrases that represent some behavior of their enclosing class.  You capitalize the first letter of every word in an operation name except the first letter as in fred or isEmpty.  The names of the operations should reflect the roles and responsibilities assigned to the classes and their objects. The object sending the message can expect the operation to be performed but does not know how it is to be performed. The operation name should reflect this.

The name of an operation should clearly show its purpose. Avoid general names, like getData, because they do not say much and not all readers will interpret them in the same way. Use a name that shows exactly what is expected, such as getAddress.

You should specify the operations and their parameters using implementation language syntax and semantics. This way the interfaces will already be specified in terms of the implementation language when coding starts.

Operation names do not need to be unique across classes and as such do not need to include the class name. e.g. GetAddressInformationSource could be replaced with GetInformationSource.

Operations that are conceptually the same should have the same name even if different classes define them, they are implemented in entirely different ways, or they have a different number of parameters. An operation that creates an object, for example, should have the same name in all classes.  If operations in several classes have the same name, the operation must perform similar behavior in all the objects.

General Documentation Standards To top of page

The operation must be understandable to those who want to use it. To this end, you should briefly describe it, including the following:

    The meaning of the parameters (if this is not obvious).
    Which parameters are assumed to have a value when the operation is invoked.
    What is done in the operation.
    Which parameters are given a value as a response to the message.

For public operations it should be noted which responsibility the operation fulfils.

Stereotypes To top of page

The following stereotypes should be used:

    <<static>> - the operation is a class operation rather than an object operation
    <<abstract>> - the operation is abstract (i.e. pure virtual)

    as these are not directly supported in Rose without using the code generation settings.

Operation Parameters To top of page

Where an operation is on a public class (e.g. interface packages, utility classes, etc) the operation parameters should be in C++ form and include the C++ concepts.

Where an operation is on a private class (one inside a package that is not exported) then the operation parameters can be specified in a style agreed between the designer / implementer.

Examples To top of page


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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02