Class Diagram or Use Case Diagram 
A class or use case diagram showing the traceability between the contents of a package and those of other packages in this model or other  models.
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Background To top of page

In many models traceability to the elements of other models must be maintained to support impact analysis and completeness validation. 

Examples of traceability include:

  • Traceability between the Use Case Realizations in the Design Model and the Use Cases in the Use Case Model.
  • Traceability between classes in the Design Model and those in the Analysis Model (when both are being maintained as formal artifacts). 

Examples To top of page

A class diagram showing the traceability relationships between the elements of different models

wpe2.gif (8420 bytes)

A use case diagram showing the traceability between a use case and its realization.

wpe3.gif (6323 bytes)


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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02