Class Diagram 
A class diagram introducing / presenting the purpose of the package.
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Background To top of page

The Welcome diagram is an explanatory diagram welcoming users to the package.  This is a nice touch if the package is to be widely used across many projects or by people unfamiliar with the architecture of the package.

Welcome diagrams are also very effective if the model is to be web published as there is no visibility of the underlying configuration management system from the web published model.

The Welcome diagram plays the same role, with respect to the package, as the comment block that is traditionally placed at the top of a source file.

The standard welcome page should be used for all packages. This includes version and ownership information.

Standard To top of page

The format of the Welcome diagram is to place a note with the following content at the top of a class diagram.

Welcome to the <<Name of the Package>> Package

Description: << Description of the purpose of the package>>

Owned By: <<Name of the Individual or Team that owns the package>>

Contact: <<e-mail / phone number for enquiries etc...>>


Date:      Author:              Reason:
<<History of changes goes here>>

Examples To top of page

ex_wel2.bmp (170390 bytes)

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Copyright  © 1987 - 2001 Rational Software Corporation 

Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02