A concrete manifestation of an abstraction; an entity with a well defined boundary and identity that encapsulates state and behavior; an instance of a class.
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Background To top of page

Generally an instance of a class or interface.

Naming Standards To top of page

An object's classifier can be unspecified. In this case the object should be named.

If the object is a specific object e.g. "Ian Spence" then use that name. If it is a generic object of a particular class e.g. "any customer" then name it aClassName e.g. aCustomer.

The objects can be unnamed, but you should name them if you want to discriminate different objects of the same class.  Unnamed classes must have their class specified.

An object can represent an object or its class.  Thus, you can use an object to model both class and object behavior.  Usually, however, an object represents all the objects of a certain class. The object name of the object that represents the class can be set to the name of the class.

Documentation To top of page

All Object documentation is optional.

Stereotypes To top of page

Objects are not usually stereotyped but instead derive their stereotype from their associated abstraction.  In Rose Objects cannot be stereotyped but will use the icon associated with the stereotype of their abstraction (if one exists).

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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02