A semantic relationship between classifiers, in which one classifier specifies a contract that another classifier guarantees to carry out.
Related Information:


Background To top of page

This relationship is used to indicate that a class realizes an interface.  This means that clients can rely on the class to faithfully carry out the behavior specified by the interface.  This means that the class will implement all of the operations defined by the interface and in all ways follow the protocol defined by the interface.

In an analysis model both sub-typing and realizes will be represented as sub-typing. The distinction between refinement and generalization is valid only for design models.

Note: In Martin Fowler’s "UML Distilled" he refers to this relationship as Refinement.

Naming Standards To top of page

See Standards: Generalization.

General Documentation Standards To top of page

See Standards: Generalization.

Stereotypes To top of page

No Realization stereotypes have been identified.

Realization Pre-Rose 98 To top of page

The Realization relationship was introduced in Rose98.  In earlier versions of Rose the best way to represent the Realizations relationship was to use a stereotyped Generalization (using the stereotype <<realizes>>).

Examples To top of page


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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02