Online Collegiate Paging Service

Iteration Plan


Version 3.0


Revision History





October 6, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
October 27, 1999 2.0 Updated at start of Elaboration Context Integration
November 20, 1999 3.0 Updated at start of first Construction iteration Context Integration

Table of Contents

Iteration Plan

IntroductionTop of page


This Iteration Plan describes the detailed plans for the first Construction Iteration of the Collegiate Sports Paging System Project. During this iteration, the four most critical use cases will be developed.


The first Construction Iteration Plan applies to the Collegiate Sports Paging System project being developed by Context Integration for WebNewsOnLine . This document will be used by the Project Manager and by the project team.

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

See Glossary document.


  1. CSPS Use Case – Approve Story 1.0
  2. CSPS Use Case – Edit Profile 1.0
  3. CSPS Use Case – Read Content on Website 1.0
  4. CSPS Use Case – Send Content 1.0
  5. CSPS Use Case – Send Page 1.0
  6. CSPS Supplementary Specification 1.0

PlanTop of page

The Construction Iteration will complete the four most critical use cases in the Collegiate Sports Paging System.

Iteration Tasks

The following table illustrates the tasks with their planned start and end dates.




Construction Kick-off Mon 11/29/99 Tue 11/30/99
Bring Full development team on board Mon 11/29/99 Mon 11/29/99
Bring Full Testing staff on board Mon 11/29/99 Mon 11/29/99
Construction Kick-off Meeting Mon 11/29/99 Tue 11/30/99
Prepare for construction kick-off meeting Mon 11/29/99 Mon 11/29/99
Hold Construction Kick-off Meeting Mon 11/29/99 Tue 11/30/99
Celebrate project construction start w/entire team Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Construction Kick-off Completed Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
First iteration Tue 11/30/99 Thu 12/16/99
Do Technical Reviews Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Technical Reviews 1 Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Technical Reviews 2 Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Test Planning Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Software test plan for next iteration created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Software test cases for next iteration created, reviewed and signed off' Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Software test plan and test cases for current iteration updated Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Iteration Planning Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Integration Build Plan created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Detailed Software Construction Plan for current interation including miniature milestones created, reviewed, and signed off Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Update test plan, focusing on this iteration Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Refine test cases for this iteration Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Create test environment Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Create software build instructions (make files) for current iteration Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Beginning-of-iteration planning completed Tue 11/30/99 Tue 11/30/99
Develop First Iteration Tue 11/30/99 Thu 12/16/99
Code & Test Use Case Approve Story Tue 11/30/99 Wed 12/8/99
Do Detailed Design Tue 11/30/99 Wed 12/1/99
Review & Refine Architecture Design Wed 12/1/99 Wed 12/1/99
Review & Refine Database Design Wed 12/1/99 Thu 12/2/99
Develop Code or Modify Generated Code (if applicable) Thu 12/2/99 Fri 12/3/99
Research and Resolve Development Tool Bugs (if applicable) Fri 12/3/99 Tue 12/7/99
Conduct Code Review Tue 12/7/99 Tue 12/7/99
Unit Testing Tue 12/7/99 Wed 12/8/99
Add code to configuration management Wed 12/8/99 Wed 12/8/99
Code & Test Use Case Edit Profile Tue 11/30/99 Wed 12/8/99
Do Detailed Design Tue 11/30/99 Wed 12/1/99
Review & Refine Architecture Design Wed 12/1/99 Wed 12/1/99
Review & Refine Database Design Wed 12/1/99 Thu 12/2/99
Develop Code or Modify Generated Code (if applicable) Fri 12/3/99 Tue 12/7/99
Research and Resolve Development Tool Bugs (if applicable) Tue 12/7/99 Tue 12/7/99
Conduct Code Review Tue 12/7/99 Tue 12/7/99
Unit Testing Wed 12/8/99 Wed 12/8/99
Add code to configuration management Wed 12/8/99 Wed 12/8/99
Code & Test Use Case Send Page Tue 11/30/99 Thu 12/16/99
Do Detailed Design Tue 11/30/99 Thu 12/2/99
Review & Refine Architecture Design Thu 12/2/99 Thu 12/2/99
Review & Refine Database Design Thu 12/2/99 Thu 12/2/99
Develop Code or Modify Generated Code (if applicable) Thu 12/9/99 Fri 12/10/99
Research and Resolve Development Tool Bugs (if applicable) Fri 12/10/99 Tue 12/14/99
Conduct Code Review Tue 12/14/99 Wed 12/15/99
Unit Testing Wed 12/15/99 Wed 12/15/99
Add code to configuration management Thu 12/16/99 Thu 12/16/99
Code & Test Use Case Read Content on Website Tue 11/30/99 Thu 12/16/99
Do Detailed Design Tue 11/30/99 Thu 12/2/99
Review & Refine Architecture Design Thu 12/2/99 Thu 12/2/99
Review & Refine Database Design Thu 12/2/99 Thu 12/2/99
Develop Code or Modify Generated Code (if applicable) Fri 12/10/99 Tue 12/14/99
Research and Resolve Development Tool Bugs (if applicable) Tue 12/14/99 Wed 12/15/99
Conduct Code Review Wed 12/15/99 Wed 12/15/99
Unit Testing Wed 12/15/99 Thu 12/16/99
Add code to configuration management Thu 12/16/99 Thu 12/16/99
First Iteration Developed Thu 12/16/99 Thu 12/16/99
Integration Testing Wed 12/8/99 Fri 12/10/99
Integration with system Wed 12/8/99 Thu 12/9/99
Conduct Integration Test Thu 12/9/99 Thu 12/9/99
Document Problems Thu 12/9/99 Thu 12/9/99
Modify Code As Applicable Thu 12/9/99 Fri 12/10/99
Conduct Regression Test Fri 12/10/99 Fri 12/10/99
Obtain Sign-off Fri 12/10/99 Fri 12/10/99
Integration Test Complete Fri 12/10/99 Fri 12/10/99
Installation Fri 12/10/99 Mon 12/13/99
Install program created, reviewed, and signed off Fri 12/10/99 Fri 12/10/99
Install Software for User Acceptance Testing Fri 12/10/99 Fri 12/10/99
User Manual/Specification/Help updated Fri 12/10/99 Mon 12/13/99
Training Materials updated (if applicable) Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
Obtain Sign-off Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
Installation Complete Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
User Checkpoint Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
Prepare for User Checkpoint Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
User Checkpoint Meeting and Demonstration Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
Have team, including client project manager, complete the work release sign-off form Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
First iteration code complete Mon 12/13/99 Mon 12/13/99
User Acceptance Testing Mon 12/13/99 Tue 12/14/99
Initiate User acceptance testing Mon 12/13/99 Tue 12/14/99
Prepare for User sign-off meeting Tue 12/14/99 Tue 12/14/99
Have team, including client project manager, complete the work release sign-off form Tue 12/14/99 Tue 12/14/99
First Iteration User Acceptance Test Complete Tue 12/14/99 Tue 12/14/99
Wrap-up First Iteration Tue 12/14/99 Thu 12/16/99
Conduct Quality Check Meeting with Client Tue 12/14/99 Tue 12/14/99
Hold Client Business-focused Lessons Learned Meeting Tue 12/14/99 Tue 12/14/99
Hold Client Technical-focused Lessons Learned Meeting Tue 12/14/99 Tue 12/14/99
Hold Context Lessons Learned Meeting Tue 12/14/99 Wed 12/15/99
Iterative Delivery Project Plan updated, reviewed, and signed off Wed 12/15/99 Wed 12/15/99
Software Development Plan updated, reviewed, and signed off Wed 12/15/99 Wed 12/15/99
Knowledge Transfer Plan updated, reviewed, and signed off Wed 12/15/99 Wed 12/15/99
Project estimates updated (accurate to +30%, -20%) Wed 12/15/99 Wed 12/15/99
Move appropriate deliverables from Project Homepage to IAN Artifacts Wed 12/15/99 Thu 12/16/99
First Iteration Wrap-up Completed Thu 12/16/99 Thu 12/16/99

The following deliverables or artifacts will be generated and reviewed during the first Construction Iteration:

Artifact Set Deliverable Responsible Owner
Design Set Implementation Model Ken Perch
Implementation Set Integration Build Plan

Test Drivers, Stubs, Data, & Scripts

Test Procedures

Test Evaluation Report


Mary Durham

Mike Hunziker

Chris Curvey

Mary Durham

Justin Woddis

Management Set Iteration Plan

Project Plan (update)

Project Schedule (update)

Project Risk List (update)

Status Assessment

Iteration Assessment

Test Plan

Mary Durham

Mary Durham

Mary Durham

Mary Durham

Mary Durham

Mary Durham

Mary Durham

ResourcesTop of page


The project staffing for this iteration can be viewed as follows:

Financial Resources

The budget for this iteration is $150,000. WebNewsOnLine has secured this funding.

Use Cases Top of page

Use cases to be implemented during this iteration are:

Evaluation Criteria Top of page


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