Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Specification: Print Advertiser Reports

Version 2.0

Revision History





October 9, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
December 1, 1999 2.0 Update after Elaboration Context Integration
Table of Contents

Print Advertiser Reports Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when an advertiser accesses the Collegiate Sports Paging System to obtain reports of how their advertising content has been viewed.

Flow of Events Top of page

Basic Flow

  1. Advertiser selects "Print Reports"
  2. System displays all advertising content provided by advertiser
  3. Advertiser selects one or more pieces of content on which to report
  4. System displays a list of reports for this advertiser.  Available reports for each advertiser are based on advertiser contract with WebNewsOnLine, and are part of advertiser profile on file.
  5. Advertiser selects one or more reports to generate
  6. Advertiser selects format (Word, Excel, or to browser window)
  7. System creates first report and prompts user to save or view
  8. If advertiser selects "Save", a message is sent to the browser to initiate a download of the report file.  User interacts with browser to select location for saving the report, and the browser saves the downloaded file.
  9. If advertiser selects "View", the report is displayed in the browser.
  10. If more reports are available in this session, advertiser then selects another report or terminates the viewing session.
  11. System creates next report and prompts user to save or view
  12. Bullets 4) through 11) are repeated until no more reports remain

Alternate Flows


Special Requirements Top of page

Encryption of the information is not required (issue from Inception phase).

Obsolete content will be purged after 3 months.

No reports may be run on purged content.

Preconditions Top of page

User is connected and validated as an advertiser.

Postconditions Top of page


Extension Points Top of page


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