Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Specification: Post Advertising Content

Version 2.0

Revision History





October 9, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
December 1, 1999 2.0 Updated after Elaboration phase Context Integration
Table of Contents

Post Advertising Content Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when an advertiser wants to post advertising content (banner ads) on the web site and specify which subscriber profiles should be used for display.

Flow of Events Top of page

Basic Flow

  1. Advertiser selects "Post Content"
  2. System validates account billing information to ensure new content will be accepted.  This consists of verifying that the advertiser account is in good standing (no outstanding balance over 30 days).
  3. System prompts for name of content.
  4. Advertiser uploads content in GIF format.
  5. System stores GIF in a staging area and records location and name of file.
  6. System acknowledges successful saving of content.
  7. System displays potential categories for ad display. Categories are maintained as a reference list within the system.
  8. Advertiser selects categories for which this ad should be shown.
  9. System displays potential frequencies and prices for the ad.  Frequencies are maintained as a reference list, prices are based on advertiser's contract with WebNewsOnLine.  Pricing codes are maintained as part of the advertiser profile.
  10. Advertiser selects desired frequency for this ad
  11. System creates preliminary billing record for this ad based on number of categories selected, frequency, and advertiser's profile.
  12. System places content in editor’s "to-do" workflow queue for approval.   If more than one editor is defined, a round-robin approach is used to attempt to balance load.   Editors may be marked as unavailable (if, for instance, they are on vacation or sick or out of the office), in which case they will not be included in the round-robin process.

Alternative Flow

  1. Invalid Account Information
    1. Advertiser selects "Post Content"
    2. System validates account billing information to ensure new content will be accepted
    3. Account information is invalid, advertiser is prompted to contact WebNewsOnLine.   System presents central phone number for advertising department (stored in system).

Special Requirements Top of page


Preconditions Top of page

User is connected and validated as an advertiser.

Advertiser account exists.

Postconditions Top of page

When this use case is complete, advertising content can be displayed.

Extension Points Top of page


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