Collegiate Sports Paging System

Use Case Specification: Send Content

Version 2.0

Revision History





October 9, 1999 1.0 Initial version Context Integration
December 1, 1999 2.0 Update after Elaboration Context Integration
Table of Contents

Send Content Top of page

Brief Description

This use case occurs when content is posted to the existing WebNewsOnLine web site. Some stories will be tagged for transmission to the Collegiate Sports Paging System, and will be sent for possible paging and display.

Flow of Events Top of page

Basic Flow

  1. Content editor places content on WebNewsOnLine web site (existing system, mechanisms for posting defined by existing system).  This currently includes indicating major content category (professional sports, high school sports, collegiate sports, or other).
  2. WebNewsOnLine system checks reference information to determine whether this content category is known by the Collegiate Sports Paging System.
  3. For categories that are known by the Collegiate Sports Paging System, stories are transmitted to the Collegiate Sports Paging System along with category information.
  4. Content is placed into the Collegiate Sports Paging System storage for possible paging.

Alternate Flows

  1. Content is not categorized
  2. If the content is not categorized, the story is placed in the editor’s "to-do" workflow queue.  If more than one editor is defined, a round-robin approach is used to attempt to balance load.   Editors may be marked as unavailable (if, for instance, they are on vacation or sick or out of the office), in which case they will not be included in the round-robin process.

Special Requirements Top of page


Preconditions Top of page

Editor must be logged in.

Postconditions Top of page

When this use case is complete, the "Send Page" use case is invoked.

Extension Points Top of page


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