Overview > Roadmaps > Small Projects > Scenario: A Small Project Adopts RUP

Scenario: A Small Project Adopts RUP

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Project Overview To top of page

The following describes a scenario for a project of ABC Company, called Project X.  Project X wishes to adopt RUP best practices.

Project X is a team consisting of a project manager and four programmers.  The duration of the project is only four months.  The stakeholders have good informal working relationships with the development team, and there is no need for formal contracts or reviews. The stakeholders have ongoing visibility during development.  The team is highly skilled and disciplined, and has shown in the past to produce quality products without much formal process.

The team believes that they can improve their productivity and the end-product by following the best practices recommended in the RUP.  However, given the short time-frame of the project, the team has decided to phase in only minor changes to their toolset. They wish to address all key elements of a process in a lightweight manner. A separate parallel activity will be initiated to investigate tool benefits, re-use opportunities, and to further refine the process for future projects.

Roles To top of page

Project X has a small team, so each person is responsible for a variety of RUP roles. The Project Manager describes this reponsibility in the Software Development Plan, using the example provided in the Software Development Plan Template for Small Projects. For example, on Project X, the Project Manager also plays the role of Process Engineer.

General Tailoring To top of page

The process engineer starts with a copy of the Example Development Case for Small Projects and the Project Website Template and makes changes to reflect the tools and guidelines applicable to the project. For example:

The process engineer modifies the artifacts in the Development Case (for example, removing Artifact: Data Model). Only those activities which contribute directly to the artifacts in the Development Case are considered part of the Project X process.

RUP templates are used to guide content, but a variety of formats are employed:

  • Risk list is captured on a whiteboard.
  • Status assessments and test evaluation summaries are captured in email.
  • Project schedule is provided on the web as reports from Microsoft Project.
  • Budget status is provided on the web as an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Vision is captured as a set of webpages on the project website.

Each of the reviews identified in RUP are scheduled. However, they are relatively informal, brief, and typically combined with the regular status assessment meeting.

Thus, the process is tailored to be as simple as possible, while still following the RUP best practices. The process focus is on producing a product that meets the needs of its stakeholders, on time and within budget.

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