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Instructor - Dr. Morris Liaw
Office - Delta 170
Phone - (281)283-3876
E-mail - liaw@uhcl.edu
Web Address - http://sceweb.sce.uhcl.edu/liaw

Class Schedule for CINF 3331 Business Data Communications

1:00 PM - 3:50 PM, Thursday

Delta 242

Course Objectives
This course will provide a survey of data communications with emphasis on the impact of digital technology on the operation, management and economics of computer information systems in the context of current organizational environment.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Understand and describe the basics of data communications as applied to business applications.
• Understand and describe the basics of networks.
• Understand and describe network security and management.
• Understand and describe basic current events in telecommunications and business data communications.
• Work as a team professionally to complete three group assignments.
• Online evaluation

Required Text
Business Data Communications & Networking. 12th edition
Jerry Fitzgerald, Alan Dennis, Alexandra Durcikova
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN-13: 978-1118891681; ISBN-10: 1118891686
[Table of Contents][Glossary]

Topics to Be Covered
Students will learn the Introduction to Business and Data Communications and technologies such as Wired & Wireless Local Area Networks, Backbone Networks, Wide Area Network, Internet, and network security, design and management, through individual presentation and group assignments.

First Class Day January 24 (Thursday)
Spring Break March 11-17
Mid-term Examination March 21 (Thursday)
Drop Date April 16 (Tuesday)
Final Examination May 9 (Thursday)
Evaluation Method
Presentation & Participation   20%
Mid-term Exam   25%
Group Assignments   30%
Final Exam   25%
TOTAL 100%

The +/- grading system will be used for final grades
[A:>=93; A-:>=90; B+:>=87; B:>=83; B-:>=80; C+:>=77; C:>=73; C-:>=70, etc.]

Teaching Assistant

• No "I" will be given as final grade under most situations.
• No administrative withdrawal under nearly all situations.
• Special Academic Accommodations (as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act) – A suggested statement: If you will require special academic accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office at 281-283-2648.
• Academic Honesty Policy – A suggested statement: The Academic Honesty Code states “I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty” and is detailed in the Academic Honesty.
 • 6 Drop Rule Limitation - Students who entered college for the first time in Fall 2007 or later should be aware of the course drop limitation imposed by the Texas Legislature. Dropping this or any other course between the first day of class and the census date for the semester/session does not affect your 6 drop rule count. Dropping a course between the census date and the last day to drop a class for the semester/session will count as one of your 6 permitted drops. You should take this into consideration before dropping this or any other course. Visit Enrollment and Registration for more information on the 6 drop rule and the census date information for the semester/session.

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Last modified:
April 12, 2019

If you need to contact Dr. Liaw you can reach him at liaw@uhcl.edu or at (281) 283-3876.