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Home Outline Resources Presentations Assignments Address Book Grades Photos Instructor - Morris Liaw
Office - Delta 170
Phone - (281)283-3876
E-mail - liaw@uhcl.edu
Web Address - http://sceweb.sce.uhcl.edu/liaw/

Class Schedule for CSCI 5533 Distributed Information Systems
4:00 PM - 6:50 PM, Wednesday

Delta 237

Course Objectives
This course will provide students the theory, algorithms, and methods of distributed database management systems. An overall goal is to give the students background knowledge of principles and design of Distributed Database Systems.

"Principles of Distributed Database Systems", 3rd edition, M. Tamer Φzsu and Patrick Valduriez, Springer, 2011. (ISBN 13: 978-1441988331). [ PDF] [Table of Contents]  

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Describe what and why distributed database systems, and their architectures.
• Design a distributed database through various fragmentation strategies and algorithms.
• Enforce distributed data security through distributed authorization control, and guarantee distributed database consistency through distributed integrity control.
• Handle distributed query processing through query decomposition and data localization.
• Optimize distributed queries through join ordering and semi-join.
• Integrate databases through schema translation and integration.
• Online evaluation

CSCI 5333 - Database Management Systems

Topics to Be Covered
What and Why Distributed Database Systems, Distributed DBMS Architecture, Distributed Database Design, Distributed Query Processing, Semantic Data Security and Integrity Control, Database Interoperability, Distributed Object Database Management Systems. If time is allowed, Distributed Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, and Distributed DBMS Reliability will be covered.

First Class Date: January 23 (Wednesday)
Spring Holiday: March 11-17
Mid-term Exam: March 20 (Wednesday)
Drop Date: April 16 (Tuesday)
Final exam: May 8 (Wednesday)

Evaluation Method
Presentation & Class Participation - 20%
Assignments - 20%
Mid-term Exam - 30%
Final exam - 30%
The +/- grading system will be used for final grades
[A:>=93; A-:>=90; B+:>=87; B:>=83; B-:>=80; C+:>=77; C:>=73; C-:>=70, etc.]

Teaching Assistant

• No "I" will be given as final grade under most situations.
• No administrative withdrawal under nearly all situations.
• Special Academic Accommodations (as specified by the Americans with Disabilities Act) – A suggested statement: If you will require special academic accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Office at 281-283-2648.
• Academic Honesty Policy – A suggested statement: The Academic Honesty Code states “I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty” and is detailed in the Academic Honesty
 • 6 Drop Rule Limitation - Students who entered college for the first time in Fall 2007 or later should be aware of the course drop limitation imposed by the Texas Legislature. Dropping this or any other course between the first day of class and the census date for the semester/session does not affect your 6 drop rule count. Dropping a course between the census date and the last day to drop a class for the semester/session will count as one of your 6 permitted drops. You should take this into consideration before dropping this or any other course. Visit Enrollment and Registration for more information on the 6 drop rule and the census date information for the semester/session.


Last modified:
February 16, 2019

If you need to contact Dr. Liaw you can reach him at liaw@uhcl.edu or at (281) 283-3876.