An attribute is a named property of a class that describes a range of values that instances of the property may hold.
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Background To top of page

The set of Types that can be used to define attributes (properties) in the analysis model needs to be defined. The decision whether to define attributes (implying getters and setters) or to define getters (implying the need for an attribute) in the analysis model, to indicate knowledge, must be taken.

Given the conceptual nature of the analysis model and its implementation independence we may need to define the set of value, or primitive types, that we are to use within the analysis model. We may decide to use the implementation languages primitive types or the set of user defined value types defined for use during design or a specialized set of analysis value types.

To facilitate the identification of object attributes, all knowledge will be modeled as attributes, and / or relationships.

In the value types section below is an illustrative set of value types for use during analysis – it is important to remember that this set can be overridden, customized or that the design set of value types can be used instead.

Analysis Value Types To top of page

    Value Type Description
    Number Any numeric value. Used to represent a positive or negative number. The number may have a fractional part.
    Integer The set of integers, including 0. Used to represent a positive or negative whole number.
    String Alphanumeric data. Used to represent any information held as textual strings.
    Date Any date.
    Time Any time.
    DateTime Any moment specified by a date and a time.
    Character Any character.
    Boolean Used for true / false attribute assignments.

    Note: Rose98i comes with a set of fundamental types designed for use in the analysis space:  

    Value Type Description

    Which looks remarkably like the set of VB primitive types to me and not particularly applicable as a set of Analysis value types.  Object, Single and Variant seem especially suspect to me.

    Note: To implement the set of Analysis value types outlined above a new Rose Add In would need to be developed (called say RUP Analysis). This could then be updated as the need for additional analysis value types is identified. This is currently under investigation by the author.

Naming Standards To top of page

The general attribute naming standards apply during analysis (See Standards: Attributes - General)

General Documentation Standards To top of page

The general attribute documentation standards apply during design (See Standards: Attributes - General).

During the analysis activities each attribute must be assigned a type from the set of analysis value types (see Value Types above).

There is no need to define whether attributes are derived or not in the analysis model – this is a design decision.

All attributes discovered during analysis are assumed to support full public access.   Decisions about read only attributes will be made during design.  Note: the attributes themselves will be private, it is their access that is assumed to be public.

When defining the attributes during analysis the most important thing is to characterize the attribute and its responsibilities.  This will enable the designer to choose the correct implementation for the attribute and to assess its impact on the other design mechanisms required by the class.

For details of how to document attributes in Rose see Standards: Attributes in Rose.

Stereotypes To top of page

No analysis stereotypes have been identified for attributes.

Examples To top of page


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