An attribute is a named property of a class that describes a range of values that instances of the property may hold.
Related Information:
  • Standards: Attributes - Analysis
  • Standards: Attributes - Design
  • Standards: Attributes in Rose
  • RUP Guidelines: Design Class
  • Topics

    Introduction To top of page

    In this section we outline the standards that are applicable to attributes at all times.

    The standards applicable to attributes can vary dependent upon the stage of analysis or design being undertaken.  For more details on the specific standards see:

  • Standards: Attributes - Analysis
  • Standards: Attributes - Design
  • For information on documenting attributes in Rational Rose see:

  • Standards: Attributes in Rose
  • Background To top of page

    An attribute represents some property of the thing you are modeling that is declared for all instances of the class.  At a given moment in time, an object of a class will have specific values for every one of its class's attributes.

    Attributes implicitly have value semantics – that is they have no identity separate from their value and are therefore immutable.

    Value types are often provided by a programming environment as built in data, or primitive, types (such as int or char). This needn’t always be the case, though: a library supplied or programmer defined class can also implement value semantics.

    Deciding whether a type is a value type, or object type, depends on the context: for example, a type such as Currency could be either.

    The base set of Value Types available to the modeler for use during analysis and design are defined by the standards Standards: Attributes - Analysis and Standards: Attributes - Design.

    Naming Standards To top of page

    Attributes names should be a noun that clearly states what information the attribute holds.  The attribute name is a noun that describes the attribute's role in relation to the object.

    Begin attribute names with a lower case letter.  Attribute names should not contain spaces, underscores or special characters.  You capitalize the first letter of every word in an attribute name except for the first letter i.e. dateOfBirth.  Do not prefix attribute names with m_.

    Do not repeat the name of the containing class in the name of the attribute (i.e. if the class Student has an attribute identifier this should be called identifier and not studentIdentifier).

    General Documentation Standards To top of page

    Each attribute must have its description completed. Where necessary this should complement the name by further describing the attribute's purpose from a business perspective.

    Each attribute should be characterized by detailing the following characteristics:

      Initial value: The value of the attribute on object creation.
      Help text id: The value of the help text for the field.
      Valid ranges: Details of any range limitations applied to the attribute
      Formatting details: Details of any formatting rules applied to the value of the attribute.
      Validation rules: Details of any validation rules that should be applied to the attributes values.
      Invariants: Details of any invariant conditions that apply to the attribute.

    where these are not already identified by the attributes type. These details should be contained in the documentation field on "General" tab of the attribute's specification.

    Stereotypes To top of page

    No stereotypes have been identified for attributes.


    Examples To top of page


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