Class Diagram 
A class diagram illustrating the structure of the package.
Related Information:


Background To top of page

A class diagram showing the major structural elements of the package:

  • if the package is a <<model>> or a <<layer>> the main diagram will show the packages owned by the parent package
  • if the package is a <<subsystem>>   it will show the classes or packages owned by the parent package.
  • if the package is a <<utility>> then it will show the public classes owned by the package.

Note: the organization of the package may be split over several diagrams if the structure is complex

Other Names To top of page

This diagram is sometimes referred to as:

  • Model Organization
  • Organization
  • Package / Subsystem Dependencies

Examples To top of page

The Main diagram for a formally modeled <<subsystem>>:  

The Main diagram for a <<model>>:

wpe4.gif (13215 bytes)

The Main diagram for a <<utility>> package:

wpe5.gif (11907 bytes)

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Copyright  © 1987 - 2001 Rational Software Corporation 

Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02