A model element which has the semantics of a package (it can contain other model elements) and a class (it has behavior).  The behavior of the subsystem is provided by classes, or other subsystems, it contains.  A subsystem realizes one or more interfaces, which define the behavior it can perform.

Subsystems are modeled as UML packages stereotyped as <<subsystem>>.

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Introduction To top of page

Structuring a system into subsystems helps reduce complexity, promote reuse and enable parallel development.

A logical subsystem (the design of a component system) exports only a subset of its types, classes and other work products to re-users.  The remaining work products are hidden.  This separation insulates a re-user from the specific details of how a component system is implemented, and allows internal changes to be made without necessarily impacting the re-user.  To support this separation, the component system presents the reusable components through one or more interfaces.

A subsystem encapsulates its internals in order to minimize dependencies and rippling change as the subsystem evolves.

When working with subsystems this separation of interface from implementation can either be formally modeled using separate facade and implementation packages or informally, by making the implementation of the subsystem private within the subsystem itself.

By default all subsystems should be defined formally.  For details of how to model subsystems in this way see Standards: Formal Subsystem.

If the formal definition of the subsystem is considered overkill then the standards for the informal modeling of subsystems are detailed by Standards: Informal Subsystem.

Naming Standard To top of page

The general package naming standards apply to <<subsystem>> packages (See Standards: Package Overview).

Diagramming Standards To top of page

For formal subsystems see Standards: Formal Subsystem.

For informal subsystems see Standards: Informal Subsystem.

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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02