
Introduction To top of page

Structuring a system into subsystems helps reduce complexity, promote reuse and enable parallel development.

A logical subsystem (the design of a component system) exports only a subset of its types, classes and other work products to re-users. The remaining work products are hidden. This separation insulates a re-user from the specific details of how a component system is implemented, and allows internal changes without necessarily impacting the re-user.

If the subsystem is modeled formally then this separation of interface from implementation is modeled using separate facade and implementation packages.

The facades thus encapsulate the internals of the subsystem in order to minimize dependencies, and rippling change, as the subsystem evolves. Each façade acts as a kind of public interface to the subsystem.

The façade is the re-user's view of the subsystem.  It simplifies the job for re-users who wish to use the subsystem (and therefore the components) presented by the façade.

The formal modeling of subsystems is used when:

  • There are many dependencies between clients and the implementation classes of an abstraction.  Facades are introduced to de-couple the subsystem from clients, and other subsystems, thereby promoting subsystem independence and portability.
  • You want to layer your subsystems.  Use a façade to define an entry point to each subsystem level.  If subsystems are dependent, then you can simplify the dependencies between them by making them communicate with each other solely through their facades.

The formal modeling of subsystems offers the following benefits:

  • It shields clients from the implementation details of subsystems/components, thereby reducing the number of objects that clients deal with and making the subsystem easier to use
  • It provides a simple, intuitive way of modeling subsystems and their implementations.
  • It promotes weak coupling between the subsystem and its clients. Often the components in a subsystem are strongly coupled. Weak coupling lets you vary the components of the subsystem without affecting the clients.
  • It helps layer a system and manage the dependencies between objects.  This can be an important consequence when the client and the subsystems are implemented independently.
  • When modeling the subsystem's clients only the Façade needs to be loaded into the client model.

When a subsystem is defined formally then the subsystem's interface is defined in a different package to the implementation of the subsystem.  The interface is defined in a <<facade>> package (see Standards: Facade Package) and the implementation of the subsystem is defined in an <<implementation>> package (see Standards: Implementation Package). 

When this pattern is adopted the consumer of the subsystem only needs to import the <<facade>> package and any other packages upon which the <<facade>> package is dependent.  The implementation packages are not required when designing and documenting the client systems.

Naming Standard To top of page

The general package naming standards apply to <<subsystem>> packages (See Standards: Package Overview).

Diagramming Standards To top of page

When subsystems are modeled formally the following diagramming standards are applied to the subsystem package itself.  See Standards: Facade Package and Standards: Implementation Package for details of the diagramming standards to applied to the facade and implementation packages.

Diagram Purpose Use Comment
Main A class diagram showing the facade and   implementation packages that define and implement the subsystem. Mandatory All of the  illustrative diagrams in the Applying the Pattern / Examples section below are examples of subsystem Main diagrams.

Note: You should never attempt to combine this diagram with any other diagrams.

Dependencies A class diagram showing which other packages the subsystem is dependent on. Optional This diagram can be used to show the other subsystems the subsystem is dependent on.  This  can be useful to position the subsystem in the context of the other parts of the system.

This diagram is not mandatory as the dependencies will be defined by the subsystem's facade and implementation packages.

Welcome A class diagram presenting the purpose of the interface. Optional An explanatory diagram welcoming users to the interface.

ConstraintsTo top of page

A formally defined subsystem can only contain facade and implementation packages.

Applying the PatternTo top of page

Inside the subsystem will be the façade, defining the subsystems interface, and the implementation, containing the internal design of the subsystem:

A subsystem can offer multiple facades:

A subsystem may have many implementations:

For the full modeling, and documentation, standards for the facade and implementation packages see Standards: Facade Package and Standards: Implementation Package.

ExamplesTo top of page

The Database Services subsystem has been modeled formally.  The subsystem is shown below with its Main diagram displayed.   This quite clearly shows that there are two implementations of the Database Access facade.

wpe2.gif (30373 bytes)

The Dependencies diagram is also of interest as this shows where the Database Services subsystem fits into the network of subsystems:

wpe1.gif (26844 bytes)

BackgroundTo top of page

This definition of the façade pattern is a specialization of the definitions presented by the Unified Modeling Language [UML] and the classic Design Patterns book [DP].

The UML definition of <<façade>> (stereotype of package) is:

A stereotyped package containing nothing but references to model elements owned by another package. It is used to provide a public view of some of the contents of a package. A façade does not contain any model elements of its own i.e. a package that is only a view on some other package.

The Design Patterns definition of the façade pattern is:

The façade pattern provides a uniform interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Façade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.

The only real difference between the UML definition and the definition used here is that in this definition the façade is used to define the interface of a subsystem and can contain, as well as import, the model items making up the interface.

This definition of the Façade pattern draws upon the following references:

Software Reuse: Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success - Ivar Jacobson, Martin Griss and Patrik Jonsson

The Unified Modeling Language User Guide - Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson

The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual - James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch

Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models - Martin Fowler

Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: A System of Patterns - Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides

Rose Architect: Modeling Large Systems - Magnus Christerson and Nils Unden

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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02