A subsystem that has been modeled informally.

See <<subsystem>> for background and details.

Related Information:


Introduction To top of page

This page defines the standards that are applied when a <<subsystem>> is defined informally.

The documentation of subsystems falls into two categories:

  • Facade / Interface – the documentation of the subsystem required to make the subsystem usable by its clients.
  • Implementation – the documentation of the internal design of the subsystem

If a subsystem is defined formally (see Standards: Design Subsystem and Standards: Formal Subsystem) then the facade / interface will be defined in a different package to the implementation of the subsystem.

In some cases the application of this pattern is overkill.  In this case the subsystem itself will be defined informally and the subsystem will contain both the documentation of the facade / interface and the implementation.

Naming Standard To top of page

The general package naming standards apply to <<subsystem>> packages (See Standards: Package Overview).

Diagramming Standards To top of page

External documentation:

This is as defined for the <<facade>> package (see Standards: Facade Package).

Internal documentation:

This is as defined for the  <<implementation>> package (see Standards: Implementation Package). 

For clarity all internal design class diagrams should have their names prefixed with "Internal" to clearly distinguish them from the client supporting, external documentation.

Constraints To top of page

In this case all of the elements contained by the subsystem will be private / implementation except for those that make up the interface.

Examples To top of page

An example of a subsystem that declares its own interface is shown below with its combined Main and Interface diagram displayed.  As can be seen from the browser where there is a mixture of external documentation (Usage and Interface diagrams) and internal documentation (Internal class diagrams and IThirdParty interface design diagrams) the contents of even a   very simple subsystem becomes confused when the interface and implementation are modeled informally, in a single package.  For this reason it is recommended that subsystems are modeled formally (see  Standards: Design Subsystem and Standards: Formal Subsystem).

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Wylie College Process Web Example
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