Class Diagram 
A class diagram showing the full interface of a package.
Related Information:


Background To top of page

A class diagram showing the interface (or public elements) of a package:

  • if the package is an <<facade>>  this diagram will show all of the interfaces realized by the subsystem.
  • if the package is an informally modeled <<subsystem>> it will show the public classes and interfaces owned or realized by the subsystem.
  • if the package is a <<utility>> it will it will show the public classes and interfaces owned by the package

The interface diagram is often combined with the Main diagram.

This is the most important diagram in a package:

  • It specifies the services offered by the package
  • It defines the contract supported by the package

Note: The interfaces define the seams in the application.  It is the interface that the package's clients are
dependent upon.

Other Names To top of page

This diagram is sometimes referred to as:

  • Interface Realizations

ConstraintsTo top of page

You should never attempt to combine this diagram with any other diagrams other than the Main diagram. 

Examples To top of page


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Copyright  © 1987 - 2001 Rational Software Corporation 

Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02