A package is a collection of classes, relationships, use-case realizations, diagrams, and other packages; it is used to structure the design model by dividing it into smaller parts.

Organizational packages are used primarily for configuration management and model organization.

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Introduction To top of page

Organizational packages are used primarily for configuration management and model organization.

The Organizational Packages are used to divide a large model into smaller more manageable parts and to provide alternative view points into the model.

The Organizational Packages are used to group, layer and organize the Structural Packages (See Standards: Structural Packages) that define the actual pieces of the model to be implemented.

Stereotypes To top of page

The following table provides a summary description of the package stereotypes that will be adopted. Each of these has its own standards which are described on the appropriate linked pages. 

Stereotype Source Use Comment
None   Optional An unspecified / unconstrained model organizational unit.

Unstereotyped packages should be treated as though they are  <<work>>  packages.

 <<dynamic>> Local Mandatory A package that only contains the products of dynamic modeling.  These packages mainly contain the use case realizations developed during Use Case Analysis and Use Case Design. 
 <<layer>>  RUP Optional A specific way of grouping packages in a model that are at the same level of abstraction. 
<<model>> UML  Optional Indicates that the package contains an entire model.  Useful if developing separate Analysis and Design models or separate application models for application families.
 <<view>> Local Optional A package that only contains diagrams.   An example of the use of views is in presenting the architecture.  These packages will contain the diagrams for inclusion in the Software Architecture Document.
 <<work>> Local Optional A temporary package containing work in progress. 
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Wylie College Process Web Example
Version 2001.02